Semi Finals - Variations on a Theme - Voting

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A huge round of applause for a stellar performance, everybody! There were big expectations for this task and I think it's fair to say that they were not let down. The Gamemakers had one hard time trying to decide who to grant immunity to, I can tell you that now. It was even suggested that you all go through; that's how hard it was to decide!

But decide they must, and they did, and without further ado, the tributes who have been granted immunity and therefore free passage to the final are:

Can I get a drum roll here? Thank you.

Diamond Fabulo and Coral Beaudelaire!

Congratulations to those two lucky ladies! And of course, that means that those tributes competing for your votes are:

Blissia Valiant, Gizmo Glitch, Elmo Wattson and Vixen Axwell!

Standard voting rules apply. If you are uncertain as to what those are, you clearly haven't read the previous voting chapters so that's definitely suspicious and don't bother voting, because we'll know you're up to something. Any incorrect votes will not be counted.

Vote for two tributes. Two will survive to the finals. For the other two, their journey ends here. So vote for your favourites and let's make this the best final that the world of Writer Games has ever seen!

Voting will run for twenty four hours, closing at 22:00 Capitol time [GMT], Sunday 12th May.


Head Gamemaker Alithia Warwell

Gamemakers Vinella Cola, Pandora Kleio and Khave VeCorekler

Author Games: Memoranda Of TerrorWhere stories live. Discover now