Task Two - Bloodbath - Females

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[Disclaimer: all opinions in these entries are the opinions of the tributes. Please don't take them seriously. We don't want to have to censor.]

District One - Diamond Fabulo

Did not hand in.

District Two - Blissia Valiant

Immediately I’m miserable. My stomach churns at the sight of the endless groggy grey sky and hills.

And I was getting so used to the luxury of the capitol.

The bleak breeze bites at my prized skin and I shiver a little though tense inside. Not immediately but quickly, I notice the gifts around the infamous cornucopia... or rather the lack of.

I frown at Coral, my closest friend here, though she winks back, I can see she’s disappointed that the arena isn’t, well... flooded, but she’s collected and determined nonetheless.

Diamond from one is next to clash with the line of my sight and shrugs with a puzzled and possibly worried attitude. She shakes it away, and brushes her hair behind her ear.

Elias smirks at me from a whole fourteen tributes away and mouths something I can’t quite read... He raises his eyebrows and turns his grin back to the cornucopia.

Apollo nods at me from three tributes down and next I see Nymphadora looking at the ground, her clear thinking face masquerading her probable confusion.

I little whimper shivers from beside me. I slowly turn to see the smallest child I’ve ever seen. I recognise him from training – kids a fast runner – Vixen I believe. His glossy blue eyes rest uneasily upon me and his stare makes me feel like a demon of sorts... I give the boy a heartening wink and breath in, he bravely gives a weak smile and loosens up a bit beside me...

Poor kid.

The beat ceases and immediately tributes swiftly flood toward the limited gifts.

We get to the broken entrance of the church The frail girl from three staggers passed me, losing her balance with each struggling stride. She finally trips and snaps her ankle – landing face first into the earth. Her weakness soon lures me in and I can’t help but take advantage. I crash my leg into her stomach and pull her hair up. With the other hand I hurtle my forearm into the thick of her neck five times - by the third the girl is dead.

I cast her aside and scan for my next victim; I need to kill as many as I can while they’re all in one place.

The male from thirteen fails to stand and crashes to the floor just inches from my stance, his young district partner lying stone cold beneath him – blood seeping from her lips and eyes, her neck hauntingly crooked. He gags twice, cupping his mouth in his hands before a reddish-yellow liquid pours from his quivering mouth and gushes between the gaps in his fingers. Still weapon-less, I climb from behind the boy and crush his hands against his lips. With a single glance at me, his pupils widen and his throat begins to convulse. Pushing away from me, he coughs and wheezes but I lift up his neck and even feel the warm vomit clogging in his throat. The next moment skips in a sickening speed and I un-elegantly trip to the ground. I break my hold over the boy from thirteen knowing well he’ll be dead within the minute. My head crashes with the side of the broken church and a swelling pain aches on my sight. As my training instructs, I grab a large rock from the ruins and swipe it out at my attacker.

It’s him, the boy from my district.


He jumps back with only a ripe scar gracing his cheek. I thrust my foot into his shin and almost shudder at the satisfying sound. He collapses back over the boy from thirteen’s now-lifeless body and scrambles in the blades of grass.

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