The Grande Finale - Voting Changes

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Hello, ladies and gentlemen, and thank you for gathering here today. We are here in order to explain the new manner of voting that will be used for the final of Memoranda of Terror, so I ask that you all pay attention. We hope that, should this new system be successful, it will be implemented across all future Games.

For those of you who are concerned, the basic format will not be changed. The four finalists will have their entries posted separately at fifteen minute intervals, starting with the first to hand in and ending with the last. The changes will largely affect the voting.

Votes for each chapter will not count, and neither will comments. Instead, to vote you will send a message to the account inbox with the names of those you would like to vote for. We suggest voting for an optimum number of two people, but votes for all four are just ridiculous and will not be counted. This makes voting easier to monitor for us, as well as preserving the integrity of our voters and, hopefully, reducing any bias in voting. It also eliminates the previously troublesome fact that the audience knew beforehand who was going to win.

We will remind people to vote for those entries which they found to be the best, and not for who they happen to be friends with or a fan of. We are, ladies and gentlemen, a writing competition and not a popularity contest, and our most satisfied winners are those who know they have won deservedly.

All previous voting rules stand. Tributes will not be allowed to vote for themselves, nor to ask for votes from others. The deadline will be strictly kept and any votes after it will not count.

I believe that is all, unless anybody else has any points to raise? No? Good.

Meeting adjourned.

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