Rules of the Game

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Hello, our chosen tributes, and let me welcome you again into the Capitol.

Enjoy your stay here, but make sure you use this time wisely. Once you are in the arena, we won't be being quite as nice to you.

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome our most recently appointed Gamemaker, and the woman who these Games are in honour of, Miss Pandora Kleio! Nobody can doubt that Pandora has earned her place, and her technical skills as well as her ability to portray even the most delicate of emotions have made her famous throughout all of Wattpadem! Thank you very much to Pandora for joining us.

Now, most of you are aware of the basic way that this will work. We will set you a task, you will write it to the best of your ability and send it to us BY PM (please not through chat as this has caused problems in the past), the task will be posted and then there will be a few days of voting to see who survives to the next round.


The tasks themselves will be similar to the tasks set in previous Games. However, we are making a few changes to how the death count works.

Death Count:

It is a truth universally acknowledged that too many deaths will ruin a piece of writing. We have seen brilliant writers reduced to rubble simply by trying to kill too many people within the space of 1,000 characters (and if you're panicking, yes that is the kind of word limit you can expect for some of the tasks. But more on that later).

To combat this, we have altered the death count rule slightly. Now you will be given TWO death counts to use when you are writing. One is the number of people who are to be killed over the course of your entry; Task Deaths. This will rarely - although for certain tasks could be - be more than three. There will then be Ballot Deaths. After the required number of Task Deaths, you will also be told how many Ballot Deaths to include. Ballot Deaths are secret and come in the form of names given at the end of your entry. You DO NOT need to write how these people die.

When it comes to counting the Death Tolls, both Task Deaths and Ballot Deaths will be treated the same and counted as one death for that tribute.

We also hope that this will reduce the need for any particularly violent or pathetic alliance wars.

Gamemaker's Choice:

As previously mentioned, these Games will be used to trial a new voting system called Gamemaker's Choice. This is not fundementally different from any other system in that those with the most number of deaths will be up for votes. However, every round, each Gamemaker also has a vote.

Gamemakers will vote on the one person whom they would like to save from voting i.e. grant an immunity. In the event of a tie, President Alithia Warwell will have the casting vote. These votes will remain secret.

If the Gamemakers vote in a tribute's favour, that tributes is then no longer in the votes and is not at risk of death. Therefore, if the number of people going up for votes is four, the five with the highest total Death Counts are at risk. The number of people who will die at the end of a round will be given with the task.

Voting will then continue as normal.


The voting rules are simple.

DO NOT use fake/ joint accounts to vote for yourself or for any other tribute. We will check the profiles of any voters who we are not familiar with and fake accounts have been caught before.

DO NOT ask your fans to vote for yourself or for any other tribute. Again, we have caught people doing this before. Many of our Gamemakers have suffered the pain of losing to somebody who only won because they asked their fans to vote for them.

Failure to adhere to these rules will result in any tribute who has benefited being automatically killed. It's draconian but fair. If you believe that somebody is breaking the rules, please let us know WITH PROOF. Other voting rules include:

Vote for exactly the number required or your vote will not count.

Only comment on the voting page if you are voting.


Your sponsors for these Games are your Gamemakers: Alithia Warwell, Pandora Kleio, Khave VeCorekler and Vinella Cola. After the interview and private session task, we will post the tribute scores. Along with the scores, we will also name the tributes who have been sponsored, and who they are sponsored by. Each sponsor will choose two tributes to guide and mentor over the course of the Games, although in rare cases these can be changed as the Games progress.

Sponsored tributes earn many benefits over their non-sponsored counterparts. They are always able to ask their sponsor for advice, ranging from basic advice about navigating the inevitable alliance web in one piece to asking their sponsor to review a paragraph of their entry before it is submitted. However, we have also added a new benefit. Every task, there will be a special 'reward' for sponsored tributes. Rewards may include:

- being able to call on a sponsor to send an item into the arena.

- extended word limits.

- the option of an extra Ballot Death.

Each sponsor has their own individual tastes, methods and expectations. All are a benefit. Should you gain sponsorship, it would be much to your advantage to make good use of it.

Word Limits:

Not all, but most, tasks will have a word limit. They will range from between 750 words to 1,500, although occasionally they will be lower or higher, depending on the task.

The Spirit of the Game:

We want everybody to enjoy these Games. Therefore, we ask that all tributes remain considerate of others, play fairly, and accept any decisions that are taken by the Gamemakers. The Gamemakers' authority is final.

When everybody has handed in their tributes, you will be handed over to Kahve VeCorekler for the interview and private session task.

May the odds be ever in your favour,

Alithia Warwell, Pandora Kleio, Kahve VeCorakler, Vinella Cola.

Author Games: Memoranda Of TerrorWhere stories live. Discover now