The Grande Finale - Coral Beaudelaire

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"Congratulations!" Fourteen letters. Five syllables. One thing I never want to here again.

Alithia repeats herself, even more excitement laced into her voice. "Congratulations, Coral." Firecrackers snap in the air, the loud noise doing nothing to calm my nerves.

I suppose the weight of the crown is supposed to soothe me. It isn't doing a very good job. I put the the blue scrap of fabric to my ear, smiling faintly at the twinkling bells. "Coral Beaudelaire!"

"Yes?" I answered, trying to speak above a whisper. It dawned on me that they weren't not talking to me, but rather about me.

A gentle hand clamps to my shoulder and I wheeled around, half expecting a hunger stricken tribute with a knife. A mega-watt smile brought me back to the real world. It was just Khave.

"Coral Beaudelaire! Your Victor!" The mere word is enough to crush me. I smile to the crowd, knowing it is exactly what they want me to do. I smile, but I don't have the energy to float around stage, laughing and giggling.

Three hours, then I can go home.

If Bliss or Diamond had won, they would have reacted better than I am. They would twirl around in their gowns and smile and cheer along with the crowd. They would soak up the attention like a sponge. The actions seem fake on me, just something I am attempting to do. Bliss. Diamond. Vixen. Any of them would know what to do. They should have won.

Another firecracker bursts in the air, blurring into the mess of sound already coming out of the overexcited crowd.

Another Gamemaker pats my shoulder affectionately as she danced off the stage. Someone else ushers me to a throne; my throne. "A crown?" I whisper. "A throne? I'm a princess." I crinkle my eyes together. "Do princesses kill other people?"

Alithia turns back around with a smile. It is mixed with other emotions I cannot begin to understand. "Only when they have to." Then she is gone. A large black sheet falls where she once stood, a picture springing onto the screen.

Three more hours and this crown comes off.

"In exactly 24 hours, the bonds attaching you together will be released." A shiver shoots down my spine, and I glance around, expecting Alithia to be speaking directly into my ear. It takes a moment to realize I am alone on stage.

I am watching myself. I'm not just a princess but a star as well. It is funny how murder makes you a celebrity. "It has been 24 hours." The voice is oddly familiar. My cracked lips move with the words on the screen.

Apollo nodded, his hands twirling his knifes in his hands. "Yes, I guess it is time." He said, his smile sad. My eyes widen when I realize what is about to appear on the screen.

"I don't- don't want to leave." Vixen sputtered out, his eyes fixed on the ground. My hands tighten on the velvet collar in my hand, twirling my fingers around the bell as I watch on. 'Move!' I want to scream at Vixen, but it wouldn't do any good. It is like watching a bad movie for the second time. You know where the danger is; you just can't do anything about it.

The Coral on the screen turned, trying to ignore the young boy's pleas. "We have to." I told him, not daring to turn around. "Maybe I'll see you again." I suggested hopefully. I watch myself turn and disappear. My hands curled into fists the ignorant Coral slid into the shadows, turning her back on her former allies.

"Guess I'll go too!" Apollo shouted, his grin wide and intimidating. It was enough to make me shiver. "But first..."

Apollo took aim at the younger boy, releasing the knife with deadly speed. Vixen cried out in pain. The sound of metal hitting flesh made me turn back around, against my will.

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