Task Four - Spring Cleaning - Voting

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A huge hand of applause, ladies and gentlemen of the Capitol, for Vinella Cola's exquisite challenge! And a moment's brief clapping for the wonderful ways in which the tributes handled it!

The Gamemakers would like to send their appreciations to the tributes on their commitment to this task and hope very much that they will keep this standard for the remainder of the Games.

Now, on to the voting. Comment below the names of the THREE tributes who you most want to see survive to fight another day. Please only comment to do so; as usual, any inquiries are to be directed to the message board. Failure to comply with the given amount of votes will result in your vote being discounted and a healthy share of embarrassment on your part.

Once you have voted, please do not delete this vote and vote again. It causes confusion and the end result may be that both votes are discounted.

So, your choice of tributes, ladies and gentlemen (and all those inbetween; we don't discriminate here!):

Blissia Valiant, Elmo Wattson, Merry Stake, Nymphadora Dryadia Hamadry, Tristen Grain, Bo Meadows, Elias Uriah Pique.

FOUR will die.

Voting for yourself is forbidden, and all the usual rules about using other accounts and asking people to collect votes still apply. Voting will close at 22:00 (that's ten at night), Capitol time [GMT], Thursday 25th April.

Good luck, and to all our tributes, may the odds be ever in your favours!

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