District Twelve - Male - Elias Uriah Pique - DEAD

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Name: Elias Uriah Pique

Age: So close to never being in the games... Age eighteen. Poor guy.

District: What district? Twelve of course!

Appearance: In the picture, he's wearing his Reaping Outfit, that's why he looks nice there. That's the only time he actually washes up thoroughly. Even before he started to mine in the coal mines when he turned 18, he as always finding some job that got him all dirty to help the family. Normally his blond hair looks mud brown with all the dirt and who knows what matted in his hair. His skin is dry and cracked from lack of moisture where he lives and his hands are like sandpaper from working since he could carry anything. He's pretty muscled, especially now since he works in the coal mines. There's not much else to him besides the fact that he doesn't have the "signature look" of District Twelve. His looks resemble of the slightly wealthier members of the district, but you can't tell by his muscled structure what kind of meals he eats, or lack thereof.

Personality: Elias has a personality of a rock. Heheh, get it? Rock? Mining district? Elias is the king of the stupidest puns in the world. He often repeats a joke for no reason even if he knows that you've heard it five other times. Deep down, behind the jokes, he just wants to make others smile. He volunteered just to give the stranger a chance of the joy of life. Elias is pretty selfless, which will probably be his downfall very soon. Elias hopes he can win without killing anyone, but he will in self defense. He's a pretty likable mate, but he holds grudges with ease. Elias often talks to himself, making some people think his insane. He probably is at times, but sometimes he just has a burning question he simply MUST ask!

Three Traits: (You may need to use google translate...)

Namba moja- Elias's hacking awesome personality is key for survival. Why? It's simple logic: In the eyes of a sponsor, Elias's valiant death or underdog victory would be the talk of the year! He's easily a crowd pleaser. The sponsor would get bragging rights for sponsoring Elias either way so it's a win-win situation. Elias also is kind and compassionate, which is a rarity amongth tributes. His personality might help him get an ally so secure a victory!

нумар два- He's eighteen and from District 12. You do realize that means that Elias has experience with bombs and using tools that can kill right? Most people forget how strong the adults are because they aren't allowed into the mines until they're 18, so it's an unlikely chance that any child under that age would have any special skills. Elias, however, was piqued (Haha, yet another joke!) at age 18 so he has a fighting chance. (WOAH! Two stupid jokes in a row!)

Номер три- Believe it or not, Elias's knack for holding grudges helps here! He focuses on the grudge while he's fighting (or in the coal mines, slamming a pick ax against the wall) and puts his full effort in. Even if he's badly injured, he'll just act like Inigo Montoya and be all, "Hello, my name is Elias Uriah Pique. You *insert the reason for grudge*, prepare to die." (or if you're a piece of coal in the coal mines, prepare to get smashed into little bits)

Token: A rusty razor. His mom wanted to make sure he kept shaving once he moved out since he hates shaving with a burning passion. Elias's mom wanted to make sure he stayed looking presentable. She even attached a note onto the razor so he'll remember to shave once he finds some water. Elias now debates on wanting to find water now...

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