Task Four - Spring Cleaning - Males

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District One - Apollo Leier

A women's voice faded over the crags, where, Elias, Vixen and I had watched the tributes that had died float in their final moments of glory before disappearing. Everything was quiet for a moment and I heard Elias walk up behind me, turning, I winced at the pain in my injured shoulder. Stupid Tyler...

"Sup Apple?" I rolled my eyes at Elias' nickname, still not knowing where he had gotten it from, he wouldn't tell. He sat beside me and looked out as a clap of thunder echoed around us, followed by a curtain of rain, glancing up, he whistled, "Here is the rain they promised..."

Sighing, I stood, coming to a gasping stop as the perfumed rain, washed away the dirt and blood that clung to me, "My shoulder, Elias," he quickly walked over, and them touched his own shoulder, the one that held an identical injury to my own. I felt a touch on my arm and looked down to see Vixen, coming out of where ever he had been hiding.

"Healing us before they drop the poison eh?" I asked.

"Shouldn't we find the umbrellas?" Vixen asked quietly, and nodding, we began walking towards the ruins, where it was our best bet to find the umbrellas, and our protection.

I turned my head as a sound came from my left, quickly followed by Elmo emerging from the stalks, seeming to know all he had to do was take out one of us, and that one, seemed to be Vixen. Vixen seemed to see it as well, and as Elmo jumped at him, he dropped to the ground, Elias grabbed a stone from his endless supply and hit Elmo over the head, stunning him just long enough from me to grab Vixen's fallen blade, and stab Elmo in the neck. The viscous as of the assault surprising even me.

"Think he had a parter?" Vixen asked, shuddering between his words, as if talking was a struggle.

"If he did, they are as dead as him," Elias answered as we continued, eyes out for any other attack.

We didn't see the next attack, Bo, wielding a large knife, jumped on my back and almost killed me, if it hadn't been for Elias. We would all be dead. "You okay Apple?" I nodded and we turned to see Vixen fighting Bo, holding his own quite well. Elias grabbed her arm and we were able to get away, both Bo and whatever group she had, dead.

We were running out of time, the rain had begun to burn and when we reached the ruins, we found them deserted, hopefully still holding the umbrellas.

After a few moments of searching, we all stood under our own, safe... For now...

District Three - Gizmo Glitch

"Gizmo! Rule number three! No leaving the axe on the ground; somebody could steal it!" Teal says, so I go to pick up the axe.

Rules have to be followed.

"Gizmo! No touching the axe, that's rule number four!" Teal tells me, and I stare at her for a minute. How can I make sure the axe isn't on the ground if I can't touch it?

"But that makes no sense! Rules are supposed to make sense..."

"Gizmo! Everything I say makes sense! Rule number fine; Teal is always right!" This confuses me. What if Teal is wrong?

"But nobody is always right..." I start, and Teal glares at me.

"Gizmo!" What did I say about rule number five?"

"Teal is always right."

"Gizmo! Rule number six; no talking while Teal is talking!"

I don't think I like these rules.

Author Games: Memoranda Of TerrorWhere stories live. Discover now