The Grande Finale

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Pay close attention, Diamond Fabulo, Blissia Valiant, Coral Beaudelaire and Vixen Axwell.

The whole Capitol is ablaze. Noise, fireworks, music, lights, everything. It all blurs into one big mass, so different from the silent and empty arena that it makes you tremble. Soon, you remind yourself, soon you can go home. There is just one more thing to do...

Before you know it, you are out on the stage. Khave is hyping up the crowd, urging them to remember the best bits of the Games, his million-watt smile turned on the cameras. Pandora stands to one side of the throne, her posture perfect in her trademark skyscraper heels. On the other side Vinella giggles uncontrollably, colourful streamers draped over her shoulders and a sprig of fake heather tucked into her waistband.

One signal and it all goes silent.

Alithia strides out onto the stage, bearing the delicate crown that will confirm it; you are the victor. Her only concession to the occasion is a gold necklace and a faint smile. Somewhere in the audience someone coughs, and she treats them to a glare before turning to you.

"Congratulations," she says, and even though they sound like they are only spoken, the whole of Panem is hearing them, "You have earned it." And she places the crown on your head. It weighs almost nothing. Alithia smiles and announces your name to the audience; the noise is overwhelming. And then the Gamemakers leave the stage, leaving you to brace yourself.

A gigantic screen is unrolling down the back of the square, identical to one behind you. This is the thing you have been dreading the most; the recap. Three hours of watching the Games, except this time, you are the star. Three hours and you can go home...


- Your tribute will watch their Games take place; this is the entry. You write your tribute watching themselves on screen. You can start at any point, but you must include:

* at least one kill before the semi final deaths

* the death of an ally

* the moment that your tribute wins

- Word Limit: none, but please be reasonable.

- Deadline: 22:00 Capitol time [GMT], Friday 17th May.

- ATTENTION! There will be changes to the way the Finals voting works. Please stay tuned. A chapter on this new system will be posted shortly.

You may begin.

Author Games: Memoranda Of TerrorWhere stories live. Discover now