Semi Finals - Variations on a Theme - Blissia Valiant

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District Two - Blissia Valiant

The day is tender. The wind pleasures in soaking my skin as though I bask in crystal cold water. The morning sun illuminates the arena as it bursts over the bland horizon and the smell of spring dew floods my senses. 


 “Tiberius! Come on go easy on me!” 

“And what’ll that teach you?” His warm and familiar smile beams down at me as he helps me up from the dusty floor of our courtyard.

“But... It’s heavier than I had imagined...” I laugh with a breathless sigh, dropping my hands to my knees and letting the wooden sword fall beside me.

“It will lighten in time.” My older brother grins in amusement. “Soon it will become but a feather!” He begins to fly about, slicing the sky with his steel sword in a boastful dance.

I watch a while in thought. He elegantly moves from side to side with deadly purpose, blood and glory struck deep in his head. 

All he’s ever wanted is to win these games; these games that I am to learn so much more about.

“... And then what will come of me?”

He stops.

“You’ll be the greatest champion that there ever existed.”


I turn to see Coral stretch in the gloomy shade. She nods to me and, though in a drained conduct, begins to pack up our site. It’s not ideal but its sure better than what most survivors have left.

The thick tree beside us is an intimidating shelter. It stands tall and unafraid, though its branches frail in the climate. I brush my hands across its jagged and scratching bark. Strangely, it reminds me of ‘base’ in the naive games I played when I was younger; a place where everything was okay, a place where only the air could touch you.


Seppia runs beside me, I can feel her heart beating through her palm as our hands collide. I daren’t look back. I keep running with my best friend, my eyes fixated on the willoak tree in the distance; base, protection. My heart beat collides with Seppia’s to form a rhythmic chant.

I hear Rhaskos so close now. And the tree is so near within our reach. 

Safety within our grasps; I daren’t look back.


My rough finger tips scan the trees boundaries and I tap playfully at a frozen trickle of sap. 

“Ugh, off again.” Coral sighs, sliding a dagger into her belt. 

“Off again.” I whisper turning from the tree; turning from the base.

We travel across the seemingly endless fields, scraping past the waves of thick lavender and harsh, dry earth. I feel tired... Though, I started playing these games long before I was reaped.


My being crashes into the tree and laughter wheezes out unwillingly. 

“Beat you this time Seppia!” I shout back to my friend; my hand firmly on the tree that stands beside my father’s villa. 

“I wasn’t trying!” She yells back with tired happiness on her lips, her redwood hair flames slightly under the setting sun. She slides to the trees base.

We have just run back from training.

The sun melts over District Two. The high-up villa has a clear sight of the surrounding landscape. I marvel at the sight and spin on the spot before falling to join my friend. Together, we stare out over the pastel sky; ambition playing on both our minds. Celebrating screams come from the town centre of our District as bread and wine is brought out in festivity.

A girl from our very own district won in the games early this morning.

“She’ll have her life set...” Seppia mumbles.

 “As will we, when we offer same glories to our district.” I whisper through gathering breaths as I picture the brilliance that awaits her.

 “Pfft, well we’ll hardly bring victory chasing each other to a tree...” Seppia replies directly with a giggle.

“You’re right, you certainly won’t.” I grin, moving to lie on the sheet of grass.

“Oh and I bet it is such a curse having so much to offer!” She chuckles. “I could beat you if I tried... I just... don’t you think it’s time to do better things; something a little more daring perhaps?” Her large eyes are aflame with dangerous intent.

We both giggle.

“Like...?” I slip a reply with a nervous smile, resting my head on her legs.

 “Well, we’re sixteen now... with these games over the next are only approaching... One of us could volunteer!”

“Seppia! Don’t talk of such things! We must wait until we’re ready. Claudine said...”

“I don’t care for her words.”

“She won before Seppia... at the age of eighteen. You would do well to follow.” I laugh in light hearted attempt to calm her down.

“I can take them all now! Only cowards wait.” She spits staring at the grass. “And I’m not a coward.”

Her head snaps up, her eyes locking with mine.

“I know... I know you’re not. Just... promise me you’ll wait. Do not volunteer until you’re ready.”

“I am ready...”


She looks doubtfully around before weakly gracing a smile. “Come on, let’s go inside.” 

Her hand slides into mine and once again I feel the pulse of her heart ring through my palm; something I haven’t felt for a while.


Coral and I find relief in walking; passing through the arena, the only two left who dare hunt when others hide.

“Isn’t this a life to behold?” Coral smiles with her usual sarcasm as she stares at the thick layers of clouds. 

I only smirk.

 It’s all I have effort for. 


“And what is it you fight for?” Claudine Monroe asks, her eyes ripping through my iron layer of defence.

“I fight to stay alive.”

“Oh...” She laughs. “We all do... but to grasp true glory you must fight for something greater, something beyond mere survival.” Claudine states rather breathlessly. She’s somewhat of a god here. 

Nothing can break her.

“I do not doubt that you are physically prepared. But mentally, you’re going to have to try a lot harder.” She begins circling around me. I feel her eyes rest upon me. “What if someone was to mention your brother in the games? Or Seppia? You’d crumble where you stand would you not?”

“I wouldn’t let it affect me.” I squeak with a shaken voice.

“Evidently not.” My mentor sighs, brushing back her strands of golden hair. “You’re the favourite this year Blissia. Everyone is counting you. The weight of expectation is a careers only enemy if they do not embrace it... A fault learnt by Seppia and Tiberius.”

She eyes me up and down before going back to retrieve the knives I had thrown.

“How do you do it? How do you survive all this time?” I ask Claudine, my voice a lot bolder than expected. 

My mentor turns. “Never fucking lose.”


The stars come out and the glossy faces of the fallen take place among the midnight dance.

Apollo and Teal...

I do not care for the loss. Six survive and I am so close now to winning. In the distant, smoke rises; curling amongst the midnight clouds. Coral’s face lightens up and without words we both charge toward the source.

And I daren’t look back.

Author Games: Memoranda Of TerrorWhere stories live. Discover now