9 - Moon

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AN: First and foremost before the chapter begins I want to thank everyone who's supporting this fic. There has been a huge increase in the views lately (I'm assuming from my TikTok) and I wanted to first welcome and thank everyone for their reads, votes, comments, and overwhelming support. I look forward to replying to comments and getting to know each of my readers :)

A huge thank you to serraabae for helping me with this fic constantly and being the push I needed to write this fic. I would be nowhere without you. <3

Also a huge thank you to  Acharacterkinnie  for the ideas for this chapter and for helping me map it! Thanks for being on Facetime with me for hours and helping me write this chapter that was horrible until you popped in.  <3

I also want to acknowledge that this chapter is going to be much longer than my normal chapter lengths, mostly as a thank you for the support and because the creative juices were flowing this chapter.

Enjoy! :) <3

- J


Sashas POV:

"Sash, you have to either talk to them or move out." Mikasa loads books onto a cart, carefully stacking them to be returned to their respective place.

"I know, but I can't afford to live on my own with this job." I pick up a few books, hugging them close to my chest.

It's now been four days since the fight. The house has turned into a battleground, the atmosphere tense like the moment before two enemies charged at one another. The only words spoken were between the men and their video games. I, however, have said nothing. I wasn't going to back down. I am taking my freedom back.

And it was such a liberating feeling.

"Why don't you go back to school then? You can finish your degree, get a better paying job or major in something else and make a career out of it." Mikasa walks over to me, grabbing my hand.

I remain silent, letting my hair fall in front of her view of me. I haven't been sleeping much. My house didn't feel like a home anymore. It felt like my parents' house before I moved out, a dark, depressing four-walled prison. A cold atmosphere froze over all the good memories we'd created in the house, from the moment we moved in, the late-night movie nights, and more. A black sheet of ice coated everything. Everyone walked on eggshells when more than one person was in house.

It didn't even feel like hell, it felt like a torturous purgatory. The fate of the three of us depended on which brave soul would speak next.

"I don't know Mikasa, my only hobby is reading. Not much I can do with that." I begin to clean the counters, looking at the clock.

6:41 PM

In twenty minutes, I'd be on my way back home.

The home that felt unfamiliar, unsafe, and cold.

I was suddenly sick to my stomach as I imagined walking into the house again, holding my breath so I didn't breathe in the hazardous atmosphere. It felt like one breath would flood my lungs with the most lethal poison to mankind, sentencing me to a slow, suffocating end. One breath could shatter the thin sheet of glass that protects each of us from each other's hostility.

It was even hard to breathe now just thinking about it.

"You can draw, I've seen you aimlessly sketch before." She leans against the counter, her grip on my hand getting stronger.

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