39 - A Race with No Finish Line

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Sashas POV:

It's useless to count down the days at this point. We had surpassed the original thirty-five days.

I should add tally marks, adding one each extra day that he was in Stohess.

So here we were.

Tally's: III

We have been talking so much, nearly talking all day on the phone unless I had something planned or if he got too exhausted or was in too much pain from sound.

We talked immediately from the second I woke up to the second I had to go to work, class, or sleep. However, I barely slept. Knowing that he was all alone in Stohess broke my heart.

Sleep could wait until he got back. I couldn't leave him alone like that, bored out of his mind.

We just talked, all day and all night. We never ran out of things to talk about.

Making up for all the lost time, as he would say every time I teased him about it.

As for his condition, he was slowly recovering, which was to be expected. According to him, he's pretty bruised up from the impact of the car. How he has no broken bones, we have no clue, but I'm grateful for that. He has a few bruised ribs though, which made it hard to him to breathe. This was a problem because I kept making him laugh, so he was constantly in pain when we talked. He said he has huge bruises everywhere though , especially on his arms.

It was treacherously slow, but I'm just glad that he's alive.

I don't care how slow it is. He was becoming himself again, and that's all that mattered.

I still don't know what happened, but I knew he'd tell me the second we saw one another again. Hopefully, he'd be coming back within a week. My mind had too much time to wander, and each day was another twenty-four hours where my anxiety could find new scenarios that made me feel sick.

"Isn't it late for you right now?"

We were on the phone right now, talking about everything and nothing all at the same time.

"It's only eleven," I look down at the time, shrugging to myself before going back to my assignment for Hange. We have to write a small analysis of a piece of art they gave us. This assignment was a piece of cake for me, so it wasn't taking much effort to do.

"Go to sleep, you sound tired," I hear Nic sigh in disappointment.

"Not even a little bit," I smile softly to myself, looking down at my phone.


We'd been on a call for nearly four hours.

"You just can't resist talking to me, can you?" I can imagine his face now, seeing a light smirk forming at the corner of his mouth.

"Yeah, whatever. You called me first!" I argue.

"Yeah, only because you told me that you wanted to talk to me as soon as you got home, remember?"

"No such thing happened," I roll my eyes, trying to keep my sarcastic tone up.

"Alright, if you want to play that game, I'll see you when I get back," He hangs up, leaving me with nothing but the silence of the house. My jaw dropped as I called him back, listening to the rings that went off.

"Hi, pretty girl," I could hear him trying to hold back laughter, nearly choking on his words as he answered.

"Don't "hi, pretty girl", me!" I cross my arms in front of me, looking down at my screen to see his contact.

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