51 - Reckless

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Sashas POV:

"And you're sure nothing else of importance was inside the vehicle, ma'am?" The officer continued to pace around my car, looking for anything to help us figure out who might've broken into it. There wasn't much that the officer was doing if I'm being honest, and it only aided everyone's frustration.

"No laptop, tablet, or anything else that might've also been stolen?" The officer was in front of me now. His green eyes scanned me once again like I could be lying or simply just stupid. We'd gone over this question at least ten times now, and each one had me growing more frustrated. 

"Yes, I'm sure. I don't leave important things in my car," I try my hardest to not come off as disrespectful, but at this point, I'm about ready to start screaming at someone. 

"But you left the one thing you claim to be most important there last night? And suddenly you claim it's been stolen?" The officer raises his eyebrow as he writes everything I say onto a pad of paper. 


"I didn't get here until nearly two in the morning. The last thing on my mind was making sure my sketchbook was somewhere safe," I look up at the porch, seeing everyone stand awkwardly as I continued to give a statement to the cop. 

I tilt my head back, giving everyone a plastered smile as the cop continued to write my statement. Everyone was huddled together trying to be quiet, which oddly enough was working for them as I had no clue what they were talking about. Mikasa looks over at me, giving me a pained smile as she looks between me and the cop. 

I give her a strained look, hoping she'd get the "please save me" vibe I hopefully was emitting well. 

"Why were you even out that late to begin with, ma'am?"

I furrow my brows, looking back at the officer who was causally still writing down my statement. 

"Is that necessary for the statement?" 

"It helps," The officer looks up at me, "Do you want to find your sketchbook?" 

Of course, I do, but even more than that I want to know who broke into my car. That, and I want to figure out why that person only took my sketchbook. It's completely unimportant to anyone else than me, so why would someone take it? 

"Yes- I-" I pause, "However, I don't see why you knowing where I was would help." 

The officer raises his eyebrows in disbelief, shaking his head as he continued to write down my statement. His aggravation was spelled out on his face as he poked his tongue with his cheek. I'd be mad too if I had to be called out this early in the morning, but this is important. My sketchbook houses many pieces that I'm proud of and hold significant meaning. 

All the sketches of my friends, Nic, and more are in there and the last thing I'd want is to never see them again. All that I devote my entire being to has a place in that sketchbook, and it being away feels like a part of me is missing. 

"Suit yourself," The cop shrugs, closing the pad and placing it in his pocket before turning away, "We'll give you a call if we find anything. Have a nice day, ma'am." 

"Yeah, you too," I mumbled, watching as he entered his car and left after. I bit the inside of my cheek as his car sped away, leaving me on the gravel lot outside the house by myself. I could feel everyone start to crowd beside me as my eyes stayed fixated on the road. 

"Don't think he liked me very much," I shrug, turning to them as I referenced the direction the cop went in. 

"Are you okay?" Nic's eyes meet mine, breaking the small moment of silence as it seemed that no one else knew what to say. 

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