22 - Spit It Out Already

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AN: Wow. Last chapter...

Crazy. I didn't think I'd ever write that much in one chapter ever. I hope you guys enjoyed all that fluff and banter because stuff is going DOWN soon. By the end of this fic, I will have you guys in TEARS AT LEAST ONCE. It's not over anytime soon, I promise this isn't it at all. The main plot and conflicts are still brewing.

Don't fear though! ;)

I won't hurt you guys...too bad.

Anyway, I want to thank all of you again for the support on this fic. The support and love I've received on Wattpad and TikTok genuinely bring me so much happiness. (Not to mention you guys are SO funny in the comments like I laugh my ass off reading them.)

And speaking of TikTok, if you haven't followed me there, you should!! I post a lot of chapter previews and content related to this fic on there! my @ on TikTok is the same as my Wattpad username, ditzyndumb.

Also, readers!! I want to get to know everyone. Comment some things about yourselves pleaseeee!!

Without any further ado, here's chapter 22. (okay rhyme)

- J


Sashas POV:

"Oh. My. Gosh." I close my bedroom door behind me softly, making sure that none of my roommates were behind me. The last thing I needed was for either of them to know who I went out with. I hadn't seen them when I walked in, so I wasn't sure if they were in their rooms or what. Whatever the case was, I didn't want them to hear.

"Hello, sexy lady!! Tell me everything right now!" Mikasa starts clapping to herself enthusiastically. She was sitting on my bed with some textbooks, wearing baggy mom jeans and a lilac-colored crop top. She shuts all her books, moving them off the bed to make space for me.

"Where are Connie and Jean?" I place my bag on my desk chair, pulling out my sketchbook before sitting across from her on my bed.

"They went to my place to hang with Eren, but don't worry! Eren knows not to say anything, I promise." Her eyes widened momentarily as the words raced out of her mouth.

"That scared me for a second." I took a deep breath.

"Anyways, spill! Spill! Spill! Spil!" She grabs my shoulders, shaking me back and forth.

"Okay, okay, okay!" I laugh, "So first off, he's such a pretty boy like I can't even begin to explain."

"So here is what I did while he was driving." I flip open my sketchbook, showing her the almost completed sketch of him driving. "It's not done yet but look at him, ugh. Literally my dream boy."

I held back a smile as Mikasa looked at the sketch, her mouth dropping to the floor.

"You didn't tell me he was hot..." She looks up at me.

"You have Eren! Back off!" I snatch the sketchbook from her playfully, hugging it to my chest.

"Kidding. Well, not kidding. He's hot, respectfully."

I squint my eyes at her, still holding the sketchbook close to me.

"I know, he's such a sweetheart too." I put my hands to my cheeks.

"Well, tell me!" Her grey eyes pleaded for answers as they burned into me.

So, I fulfilled her wish. I told her everything, from the second I got into his house until I got home. The details of the date took a little longer to tell than it should've as we were both interrupting the story with excited squeals and commentary. By the time I was finished, her mouth was covered with her hands.

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