44 - Long Time No See

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- J <3



Niccolos POV: (let's kick it back an hour or so before Sasha showed up, shall we?)

The first day back at work after being gone for so long is always horrible, especially when you've barely slept because you've been so scared that you just lost the person you love for good.

Obviously, the conversation that happened when I got back didn't go well. I'm not even sure what happened but she flaked once the harder topics got brought up. The night before we got back to my familiar was everything I had wanted. Her in my arms again, acting like no time had even passed since I left. She was still the same girl I left behind.

However, something changed once we got back to my place, and I can't exactly tell what's going on still. I couldn't wrap my head around why she couldn't tell me, or why she wouldn't. I wondered constantly if it was me and if I did something to upset her.

Maybe the story of what happened in Stohess hurt her? Was it Pieck? Was that bothering her? Did she think I was potentially cheating on her?

I couldn't tell.

My best guess is that something was making her feel weird at home again, and maybe her roommates were being too harsh on her and asking where she was constantly.

I could only hope that she was safe somewhere, even if I had no clue where she was. It's been three days since I saw her, and each day I got more and more worried that she might've spiraled out of control and let her anxiety get the better of her.

I kind of regret telling her that I love her.

Maybe that's why she's running away from me right now. I just blurted it out to try to prove a point rather than tell her when the time was right.

Dumb mistake, Niccolo.

However, I couldn't help it. It's true. I do love her, and I want her to love me back and not lead me on if she's not going to love me back. I wasn't even sure what we were before everything crashed, and I seriously don't know now.

What's going on in that head of hers?

Why won't she let me see?

"Hey, Niccolo. You were supposed to have that sourdough bread done over twenty minutes ago," Colt peers from the opening in the wall where the back desk met the back area of the bakery.

I point to a table to my left which was not only covered in the sourdough, but the rest of everything I was due to bake today. Nearly every inch of the table was covered in different loaves of bread, pastries, scones, cakes, and anything else.

Colt's eyes widen at the sight as he slowly walks over to place the sourdough into a clear bag.

"God damn, man. How did you finish all this so early?" He spins the bag around to create an airtight seal before placing a plastic clip on it.

I couldn't sleep because I have no idea where or how the girl I love is and she was not talking to me, and she freaked out on me when I told her that I love her, and I might've fucked up one of the only good things in my life.

Talk about a run-on sentence.

"Clocked in a few hours early," I shrug, going over to the oven on my right to check on the cinnamon rolls I put in about ten minutes ago.

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