54 - x2

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AN: Hi!!!

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! It's really tense and I enjoyed writing it so much!

- J <3
Nic's POV:

"Nic, wake up." 

I hear a soft voice followed by a firm grip on my shoulder, instantly causing my heart rate to pick up.

"Nic, get up, we both fell asleep." 

Oh, shit. 

My eyes fly open quickly, expecting a brightly-filled room with the sun greeting us. However, it was dark as everything blended into one another. I could barely make out Sasha's figure as she was perched up beside me, still laying on top of me on the couch. 

"What time is it?"

"Going on two in the morning," Sasha checks the time on her phone, flinching slightly at the sudden brightness from the screen. 

"You scared me, I thought that we were both about to be late for work or something," I yawn, feeling my heartbeat slow quickly as relief flooded my system. 

Sasha exhales a small laugh to herself, barely loud enough for either of us to hear as her head makes its way back to my chest. 

"Sorry," She says, "I just didn't know if that was intentional or not." 

It wasn't, but I guess I ended up dozing off after my conversation with Jean concluded. However, I wasn't going to give that any energy right now. It doesn't matter.

"Did you sleep well?" I prop myself up slightly, feeling Sash's arms wrap around my torso as she adjusted. 

"Mhmm," She nods, "That's probably the best I've slept since it happened." 

Nothing could've made me happier than hearing that. That's all I ever wanted and I'm glad she was starting to feel better. I know there's no possible way yet to get her to fully heal but regardless of that, this is one hell of a start. 

"Good," I place a quick kiss on the top of her head, "Are you awake right now or should we go back to sleep?" 

She shifts herself to look up at me, meeting my eyes as she puts her lips into a line. 

"I'm going to stay up, but you can go back to sleep if you want. I'm kind of hungry anyways," She gets up, leaving me on the couch by myself. 

I frown slightly, instantly missing her body weight and presence near me. Her warmth left with her, giving room for the small chill in the air to prick any of my skin that wasn't covered. I decided to get up and follow her, knowing that there would be no point in me going back to sleep now. 

I make my way into the kitchen, seeing her standing in between fridge door as her eyes grazed back and forth between the contents of the refrigerator. The rest of the kitchen was dark, however, but my eyes had adjusted to it enough to see almost clearly. 

"No light?" I tease, pulling out a barstool by the kitchen island and sitting down. 

Sasha laughs to herself, pulling something out of the fridge and closing the door. 

"Too early for all of that," She sits across from me, pulling out a fork from a drawer, and stabbing it into what I could now make out was a small bowl of fruit, "The sun isn't even out, so why should the lights be on?" 

"You make an excellent point," I laugh, watching her as she picked at a strawberry, "Do you work today?"

She swallows quickly, shaking her head quickly. 

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