42 - 0-3

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AN: I would say I'm sorry...but I'm not. <3

Love you guys! I mean it!! But it's getting even messier now!

Tissues are essential this chapter.

- J <3

(please don't kill me)
Sashas POV:

"So, nothing happened while I was gone? You're okay?" Nic was rubbing my back as I buried myself into his neck.

I decided not to tell him. I'll tell him eventually, once I'm settled on my own and not having to worry about anything. I don't need pity from him. I don't want to be pitied by the one I love the most. It would be humiliating for him to coddle me like a helpless child. That happened once with Connie and Jean and look where we ended up. I couldn't have the same thing happen again.

He's going through too much to also be worried about my mommy issues and roommate issues. This didn't need to be something that came to light right now. I can't rely on him for everything.

I love him too much to use him as a crutch when he would be readjusting to life in Marley again. I couldn't make him worry like that after nearly dying. It isn't the right thing to do, so I'll wait. I'll fight this battle on my own.

"The only thing that happened is that I missed you like crazy." I lie, shifting myself up to look at him. A look of concern grew on his face. I couldn't tell if he could tell if I was lying or if he was just questioning it. I hope it's not the ladder.

I plant a kiss on his cheek before removing myself from him. It was nearing eleven, and we had to be out of the room by one for checkout. I get off the bed and walk over to the bathroom to start packing my stuff. It was the perfect scenario to change the conversation topic, and one he couldn't argue with.

"We have to be out of here by checkout or else I'm getting fined." I stifle a small laugh as I start repacking my bag. I didn't bring much with me, only a few items of clothing and my toiletries that would last me the night.

I see Nic get up from the bed, walking over to his stuff on the other side of the room. I use this opportunity to change, closing the bathroom door behind me and stripping the clothes from last night off.

I end up in grey sweatpants with a dark pink oversized sweatshirt with a white turtleneck underneath. Nothing fancy, but it's cold outside and I loathed being cold.

It didn't take long for either one of us to pack since we knew we were only staying one night. We end up leaving shortly, making it to checkout before one hit.

I make it back to the car, sitting myself in the driver's seat after I returned the key. Nic was in the passenger's seat wearing black sweatpants and a red hoodie. His hair was messy in front of his face, the waves making an unusual pattern I hadn't seen yet. I can only assume it was because of the way he slept on it wet last night.

"Are you sure you want to drive? I can do it," He looks over at me as I put my seatbelt on.

Yeah. I wasn't going to make him drive. I couldn't exactly tell, but I have a feeling that cars make him a little nervous now. Rightfully so, he was just hit by one less than a month ago.

"Yeah, I'm good. The drive is only an hour and a half," I give him a sleepy smile as I start to drive off.

"Plus, I need you on the aux," I hand him my phone, seeing him shuffle through all my music.

Luckily, the drive back to his place was smooth. No one was on the roads at one on a Monday afternoon. We make it back earlier than expected, pulling in around fifteen minutes earlier than originally planned.

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