10 - Get out.

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AN: Hi guys!

There is a little bit of me projecting in this chapter in the flashback sequence. Mommy and daddy issues gang, this one is for you.

This one might hurt. (Don't worry, the next chapter will be happier. I promise.)


Sashas POV:

I stood at the top of the staircase, tightening my ponytail as I braced myself. I looked down the staircase, shaking out all my nerves as I gave myself a pep talk in my head.

You got this, Sasha.

You're brave.

You can do it.

Here goes nothing.

I take a deep breath, putting a brave face on as I walked slowly down the stairs. I crossed my arms, trying my best to appear nonchalant and unreadable as I thought about passing the two. Upon reaching the last step, I look around the corner, squinting my eyes as my eyes scanned for the two men I lived with.

To my surprise, the house was empty, the two men nowhere to be seen. The house was dead silent for once, the lack of music and sounds from the TV left an eerie feeling through the house. I could hear my footsteps below me as I peered through every room, eventually confirming that I indeed was alone.

Huh, I thought to myself, walking over to a nearby window. I pull the curtain to the side, shading my eyes from the sun that greeted me, the dark night being pushed out of the way and being replaced by the bright day. Once my eyes adjusted to the brightness, I could see an empty spot that Jean's car usually occupied.

They were gone? Where did they go to?

I knew they weren't at work. They both had weekends off so we could all hang out with one another.

So where were they?

I let out a deep exhale, releasing all the tension in my body as I realized that I really was alone. I walk over to the couch, plopping myself face down and letting out a groan.

The past week has been brought many memories back to the surface, ones I worked hard to get over and bury six feet under. I never expected my life here to mirror my situation with my blood family. My heart raced as I thought of losing the only family I had left, leaving me on my own in this world once again.

Memories of the days where I thought I had lost everything overwhelm my senses, sending my mind back to the darkest places I locked up.

It was like watching a horror movie.

A horror movie where my eyes were pried open.


The dinner table never felt like a dinner table. Awkward tension filled the space around us as the three of us rushed to finish our meal. All we wanted to do was return to our own activities, away from one another.

I picked at my food, nausea filling my body as I dreaded the conversation that was about to be unleashed. The sounds of the clattering of the silverware against the ceramic plates was being drowned out by the sound of my heartbeat in my ears. I took another sip of water, trying to swallow the nausea that accumulated in my throat.

"Sasha, stop playing with your food and eat." My mother sighs, eyeing me from the other side of the table. Her long black hair was tucked behind her ears, her brown eyes scanning my face as she watched me.

"I'm not hungry right now, can I be excused?" I ask, looking at both of my parents.

My father furrowed his brows at me, his face scrunching as he looked up at me. He pushed back his dark brown hair fell above his eyes that parted in the middle.

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