27 - I'll Tell You When I Get Back

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AN: Thank you for 2k reads!!!! I can't even begin to express my gratitude and love for all of you!!

Also!! Pay attention to POVs in this chapter....they might switch. ;)

Also, I cried while writing this chapter, so take that how you please.

- J

Sashas POV:

Time wasn't on our side.

We woke up and realized that the day had indeed switched. It didn't wait for us to be ready for him to leave. That's just how life goes.

I insisted that I drove him to the airport, saying that I didn't want him to have to pay for a ride or pay to have his car parked. In reality, I wanted a few extra minutes with him, even if it was only the time I got to drive to the airport with him.

"Are you sure you're okay driving this early in the morning?" Nic called out to me from behind my car. He was putting the last of his stuff in the car before we left.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. You're probably tired." I peek out of my window, "And I'm not letting you drive my car, you psycho."

I can hear him laugh at my banter as he closes the trunk.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with my driving!" He sits down in my passenger seat, giving me a playful glare.

"I never said there was," I start some music, "I just said you weren't driving my car."

[Play Uncomfortable – Wallows]

It was early. Four in the morning to be exact. Way too early to be driving to the airport. Leave it to the universe to have the only flight out to Stohess be at seven in the morning. Why not at night? I would've liked a little more time with him before he left me for over a month.

The night sky was a dark navy color with the small white stars that looked like little freckles. The moon was a waxing crescent right now. I say hello to her in my mind, smiling at her softly as she illuminated the world with her soft white light.

"Okay, are you ready to go?" I look over at him.

"Physically yes, mentally no." He sighs, relaxing in the seat beside me.

"Yeah, me too." I start to drive, trying to forget that these would be my last minutes with him for a while. It was hard, but I had to keep it together for him. I told him last night that we would be fine. I had to convince both him and I that.

The ride was bittersweet. We talked about how different things were going to be as I tried to drive as slowly as possible. I did quick glances at him occasionally, trying to get as much of him in as I could before I didn't see his face for thirty-five days.

Thirty-five days.

Yeah, the number still made me nauseous.

I was worried. Worried sick that things would be so different after he got back. There was so much anxiety that bubbled in me, but I wouldn't show it now. There was no way that I'd tell him that in reality I didn't want him to go. I couldn't tell him that I would probably cry the second he turned around and left. I couldn't allow my emotions to keep him here, even if my emotions begged and screamed for him to stay. The last thing I wanted to do right now was show him any kind of negative emotions. I wanted him to go into this trip happy and excited that he agreed to help with these classes. He deserved it. He was insanely talented. I couldn't think of anyone else that deserved this kind of recognition.

My feelings couldn't get in the way, no matter how scared I was. We'd be fine, right? Neither of us were going to let us fall apart. Distance and time can't compete with us. That's what I said last night, and I intend to keep that idea up. Fake it until I make it.

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