41 - It's Not Your Fault.

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AN: Hi! Sorry for the lack of a chapter the past few days but my birthday was yesterday and I've been very sick and dealing with all of that! However, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter because I enjoyed writing it a lot. <3

- J <3


Sashas POV:

"This jet lag is going to be the end of me," Nic lies on the bed beside me, lying face down on the white bedding I was under. I couldn't make out much of him since the room was only lit up by a small TV across the bed. 

His blonde hair was dripping, small drops of water falling off his waves and onto the blanket. He was wearing a pair of black sweatpants, leaving his chest bare. 

"Tired?" I give him a small laugh, pushing the blanket away from me.

"Like you wouldn't believe," He groans into the blanket, staying still as he lies there. 

It's still so surreal that he's right here. It feels like he should still be in Marley, and that I should be trying to figure out what time it was for him. But no, he's right here. He's inches away from me, right where he should be. 

"Go to sleep," 

"No," He lifts slightly. I could only see his forehead and eyes. 

The brightness of the TV illuminated the space around us, surrounding us in different hues of purple and blue. The brightness was intense one second and not the next. 

"Nic," I shift my body up, looking at him. "Get some sleep, you need it." 

He looks at me for a moment before wrapping his arms around my waist carefully, pulling himself close to me. His head rested on my lower stomach while the rest of his body lay between my legs. 

"Shush for a second," He squints his eyes shut, inviting silence into the space. He didn't say anything for a good minute. The TV suddenly seemed a lot louder than before, even though I hadn't touched the remote. 

I could feel Nics breathing as his chest expanded and contracted against my body. They were slow and soft, each breath matching the one before it. His grip against my waist was tight like I might go away if he released any tension. I start to finger comb his hair, feeling the water droplets latch onto my fingers. His blonde hair was soft, easily detangling as my fingers ran through the strands. 

I feel Nic relax slightly, the grip on my waist letting up as I continued to play with random strands of his hair. 

I want him to fall asleep. He's resisting it right now, but I want him to sleep. I can only imagine that he's gotten nearly zero sleep since the hospital. He's resisting sleep, so I'm determined to push it onto him, even if he doesn't want it. 

"Nope," He gets up, sitting beside me once again. "I'm going to fall asleep if you keep doing that." 

"That was the point?" I sit up slowly to face him. 

"Nope, I have to explain everything that happened." 

"No, we can do all of that tomorrow, you're tired." 

"No, your mind will be racing all night. I know you, and you deserve to know now." 

I put my lips into a line. 

I do want to know now, and he was right. My mind has been wandering, but much longer than he could even imagine. My mind had enough time to wander every planet in the galaxy as it looked for answers. I don't even know where the extent of where it went. I don't even know how long it would've taken for it to come back to me. It could've found new planets for all I know. My mind probably wandered to places that NASA hasn't even discovered. They could probably hire her to be honest.  

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