14 - "Niccolo"

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AN: Second update in less than 24 hours :)) hope you guys enjoy <3

make sure to comment and vote!!
- J
Sashas POV:

The blonde and I talked for the entirety of breakfast talking about how we'd approach our situation.

"So, we're not putting a label on this, right? Labels are kind of complicated and straightforward." He says.

"No labels." I shake my head, "Labels are weird."

"Okay, no labels." He sarcastically puts his hands up, surrendering.

I smile, taking another bite of my food.

I couldn't explain the feeling I had right now. Happy? Anxious? Content?

All the above? Possibly.

I was proud of myself. I was so proud of myself for being able to talk to him like this, being vulnerable, and letting him know what scared me and what I was okay with. I think about the scene at play, taking another bite of my food.

"So, since we're getting to know one another, should we finally name drop?"

I nearly choke on the food in my mouth, stifling a cough as I looked up at him.

"Come on, won't you miss calling me a stalker?" I tease, crossing my arms in front of me.

"Oh, I will. But it doesn't necessarily fit you anymore." He starts, pausing as if he was going to say something else.

"It never fit me in the first place!" I retort, cutting him off before he got the chance to speak.

"Yes, it did."

"No, you stalked me into the alleyway!" I chuckle, "Literally you nearly sent me into cardiac arrest when you turned the corner and were just standing there."

"Oh, come on, you were so glad to see me." Fake hurt paints his face, "You can't even deny it."

"Maybe." I narrow my eyes at him.

"I knew it." He winks at me in response, causing me to roll my eyes at him. "Do you not remember stalking me into the grocery store?"

"No such thing happened."

We continue going back and forth for a bit, arguing about who stalked who and who was creepier about it. This continues for a couple of minutes, the both of us hardly able to keep a serious face by the end of it.

"Okay fine, fine. We stalked one another." He retreats.

"Okay, fine."

"The name drop was just a suggestion. " His eyes met mine, the softness in his expression instantly making me weak. "We don't have to, of course, I know you're a certain way with names."

I bite the inside of my cheek, looking up to think.

It's been a little over a month since I met him. It was getting hard to not really know his name.

I wanted to know his name. Knowing his name held so much power that I wanted. I wanted him to know my name, regardless of the power it gave him over me. I didn't care how much pain this could potentially bring me in the end, or how much pain I could potentially bring him. We were trusting one another, being as raw and vulnerable as anyone could be to one another. I wanted to know him, not know of him. Not knowing him was killing me in the slowest way possible. A long, torturous death where I couldn't seem to die no matter how much happened. I was being suffocated, chained down inside of a pool with no way to breathe. I needed to be free of the constraints we set.

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