34 - Old Unfaithful Friend

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IMPORTANT AN (please read): Hi! :)

We hit 3k reads on this fic, and wow! That's another insane number to me. I can't even begin to express my gratitude for all the love and support I get on a daily basis. You all make this fic so much more fun to write. Your comments and votes have me smiling so much, you guys don't even know. So, once again, thank you! You are all such angels!

However, on the sadder side, this will be the last update for a few days. I move into a whole new state for college in two days and I'm spending the next few days away from writing to focus on saying my goodbyes to those that I love. (This is also why this chapter was so late, I'm sorry. I procrastinated packing and ended up doing it last minute.)

And yes, I know, this chapter ends really intensely and (in my opinion) is the saddest chapter yet. It's brutal and raw. I'm sorry. I hope to have a chapter out by next Friday so you guys don't have to wait too long. I'm not going to be stopping this fic though. The REAL drama has just started! I mean, come on, we have to find out what happens when Niccolo gets back, right?

I wouldn't leave you guys hanging like that!

So updates might be a little slower, and I'm sorry, but summer is officially over for me.

But don't worry, I will still be actively updating, aiming to update once or twice a week if I can. I'm not pausing or holding this fic.

Anyways, I love you guys! Thank you for being here!

And without further ado, chapter 34. This one is messy. It hurts. It hits. It did to me at least.

- J <3


Sashas POV:

I couldn't be in the house any longer. He lingered, which was to be expected because it was his place. I had no other place to go right now, and I needed to figure something out just in case I was really ghosted. Gosh, this felt like being kicked out all over again. I had nowhere to go once he got back if things continued to be weird between us.

I kind of expected an apology from Jean and Connie by now. It's been almost a week since that night, and I couldn't tell anymore if I was ever going to get an apology. I deserved one, that's for sure. 

I deserve a lot of apologies, even one's I knew I'd never get. Oh well. 

I had eighteen days to figure out what I would do if they didn't. I don't think anything is necessarily wrong with me and Nic, I mean, we didn't have a fight or anything. It was just weird silence. 

There was a part of me that still grasped onto the idea that he would just randomly text me one day and tell me that something happened. I don't even care what happened at this point, I just miss him. 

I want him back here so badly. 

I missed his banter and the way he would try to find stupid excuses to see me. I missed watching him read and yelling at him to stay still as I tried to sketch him. What an interesting person he is.  

I was out right now, walking around downtown Marley before grocery shopping. I had to restock everything before he came back, which wasn't for another seventeen days, but I wanted to get ahead. I mean, I was already not sleeping anyways, and I was up, might as well beat the Saturday shopping rush. I needed something right now, and something strong. 

I decided to stop at the bakery in Marley before heading to the grocery store...which Nic works at. 

Fuck, I cannot get away from anything involving him, can I? 

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