2 - Hey, Stalker

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Sashas POV:

"You know, always sending the woman of the house to get groceries and run errands looks a bit sexist." I plop the multiple bags of groceries on the counter, looking over at my two roommates, Connie and Jean.

"Yeah, yeah Sasha, you know we love you!" Connie yells from the couch. The man looks back at me, smiling. He nudges the man on his left, Jean, and he does the same. Jean nods, both turning back around to focus on the video game they were playing. 

"Love you guys, too." I chuckle, shaking my head as I looked over at the two. 

Connie had short grey hair that was practically shaved and a small, round face. He had big, round brown eyes, a small nose, and a big mouth. Physically and metaphorically. He had a tall, skinny frame as he went to the gym often with Jean. He was well kept, but he was nowhere as kept up as Jean.

Jean had a brunette mullet that had many girls swooning for him constantly. He had serious light brown eyes and a little bit of facial hair on his chin. He was well kept and a bit of a heartbreaker. He was tall and muscular, something else that made the girls swoon. 

As for me, I have medium-length brown hair that fell a bit lower than my shoulders with some side bangs that I cut impulsively before high school started. Big, brown eyes, a small nose, and small lips littered my face. I was significantly smaller than both Connie and Jean, who both stood tall at around six feet tall. 

All three of us were complete opposites. 

Connie and Jean have been best friends since middle school, and they've been inseparable ever since. I met both during my first year of college and I was forced into the friend group. I never complained though because those two are the best friends I've ever had. They mean the world to me, even 5 years later. 

I remember the day we all met like it was yesterday. It was about a month into school and Connie came up to me during one of the classes we had together. 

"Every time I see you, you're eating something." He teased. "Is your stomach a bottomless pit or something?" And then we were just suddenly best friends. I met Jean shortly after. The rest is history.  

The three of us got each other through messy breakups, drunk nights, and anything else we needed. This trio was inseparable. The past 5 years I've spent with these two have been a blast. I love them more than anything. 

A smile creeps on my face as I think about several of the memories I've had with these two. I start putting groceries up, disregarding the lack of help from the two men. I find myself thinking about the blond man I ran into twice. 

I think about the softness of all his expressions, the loose waves of his blond hair, the gold rings around his eyes, the gentleness of his hands, the light freckles that were only noticeable from up close, everything. His entire presence screamed gentle even though he had a strong frame. I wondered how many people knew about those little things. I kind of hoped I had been the only one.  

"You're awfully quiet," I hear Jean's deep voice from the couch. "It's not like you, Sash." I look up back from putting a box of pasta in the cabinet, meeting Jean's eyes from the couch.

He was right, I was known to be a talker around those two. I wasn't the type of person to think too much about stuff unless I was by myself. I usually kept my thinking on the more philosophical side. Things such as the significance of the little things were something I thought about the most. I never usually talked about that stuff with other people though, but I guess I did talk about the weight of names with that stranger. It's strange how that works. 

"Oh, I was just thinking." I tried to cover myself. "I also wanted to let you two focus on your game. I know how passionate you guys are about it." I stammer, trying to change the topic. 

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