12 - Critical Condition

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AN: Wanted to hop in here quickly and say thank you for over 200 views on this story! We're nearing 300 right now! Thank you for all your reads, votes, and comments! <3

- J


Sashas POV:

"I knew you'd get along with them, they're such great people!" Mikasa stands close beside me, using a silicone brush to apply a green face mask to her face. 

I was currently doing the same thing. We made a promise to one another to try to do every form of self-care possible tonight. 

It first started with manicures, both of us opting for black nail polish that we ended up knocking over and spilling on the wooden floor. 

Now, both of us were in front of Mikasa's bathroom mirror, applying these face masks to our faces as we talked. 

"Oh, they were so sweet. Absolutely adorable too." I finish applying the mask, putting the silicone brush in the sink as I waited for her to finish. 

"Right?" Her eyes go wide. "They're so cute too. The way Armin looks at her makes me swoon so hard. They're so lucky to have found one another."

"Eren does the same thing to you!" I shove her playfully. 

She smiles at herself, closing her eyes as she shakes her head. 

"I know he does. I was just saying for them." She starts, "Eren and I were so lucky to find one another. I still can't believe that the man who I hated all through high school ended up being the love of my life."

"What?" I walk out of the bathroom in her room, sitting on her bed as I waited for her to finish up. "You hated him?" The shock in my voice was loud, echoing through the room as my eyes widened.

"Did I never tell you this story?" Her voice overpowered mine. 

I shake my head, causing her to drop her brush immediately and run over to me. 

"Sit down." 

"I'm sat." 

She sits on the bed beside me, holding both of my hands as she starts to speak.

"Okay, so you know how I was little miss academic perfection, valedictorian, and student body president in high school?" 

I nod. 

"Well, Eren was this super annoying, cocky jerk who did stuff like skip classes, not do homework...you know...stuff like that." She rolls her eyes. "Anyways, senior year he had grown a bad reputation and so naturally I couldn't stand him even though I had never even seen the man. But the final semester of senior year came, and he randomly asked me on a date, right?" 


"Well obviously, I wanted to say no but I couldn't resist him once I saw him up close, you know? He's so..." She was beaming, the apples of her cheeks firm as she thought about him. 

"So, I gave him an ultimatum." She finishes her thought. 

"An ultimatum?" I tilt my head to the side. 

"If he could get his grades up and not miss a single class during the last semester, I'd go on a date with him. And every single day, up until graduation he would come up to me at some point in the day, counting down the days until he got that date. And he did it. He ended senior year with amazing grades, he didn't miss a single class, and was even on time to every class. I still have no clue why he even asked me on a date to begin with, I had never even seen him until he asked me out." She lays back on her bed, stretching her arms over her head. 

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