24 - MY Pretty Girl

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AN: Okay, I know.

Last chapter. I promise everything will make sense in the end. (: I'm not baiting you guys, I promise.

Please don't hate me!!!!

Here's a nice, long fluffy chapter with some good old angst, hehe.

(This may or may not be one of the last chapters before everything gets sad...)

- J


Sashas POV:

I spent the entire day taking care of Connie and Jean. 

I ran around for them constantly, bringing them medicine whenever they needed it and more. It pained me that they were so miserable, but they were only to blame for drinking so much. They must've gotten a little too carried away at Eren and Mikasa's last night. Part of me was so surprised that they were both still alive.

I took care of them because I loved them endlessly...not because I was tired of their complaining or anything like that. 

I was currently lying in bed, the time reading 1:55 AM on my phone as I aimlessly sketched a random photo I found on Pinterest. I was restless, unable to sleep from my lack of mental stimulation throughout the day. I spent the entire day home, mostly laying around until one of my boys asked me to do something for them. I didn't mind it, but I was bored.

Being in my house all day made me realize how much I had been out lately. For the past two months I've either been at work, with my friends, or with Nic. Emphasis on Nic, my life had changed tremendously since I met him. 

A whole new color palette of colors entered my life. The specific shades of brown in his eyes, the distinct forest green color of his living room walls, and the warm blonde of his hair were all starting to brighten up my life in ways I never thought it could. Everything before him was bleak greys, murky greens, and black and white moments of repetition. Every day was the same, the same colors revolving in a circle, trying to create new patterns like each of them hadn't been done or seen before. But he was blue. The kind of charming blue that wasn't quite as dark as navy, but dark enough to be mysterious. It was calming, and not just to the eye. The opposite of red, the color that screamed chaos and destruction. Red was my anxiety. She was chaotic and menacing, destroying every part of me every chance she got. But his blue easily calmed me, guiding me to easier destinations every time it became too much. He was a calming blue when I needed him to be, but he on his own was yellow. The kind of yellow that the sun envied because he would be brighter than her. That's what he was. My own shade of yellow and blue. Two colors only I get to experience. 

I never wanted to share that with anyone else. They belonged to me.

I had barely talked to him since yesterday and I wondered what he was doing right now. 

Sleeping, probably. But I wanted to talk to him.

Are you awake?

The read receipt goes off immediately, showing me that he had seen the message. 

My ringer goes off, signaling that he was calling me. 

"What the hell are you doing up at two in the morning?" I answer. 

"Could ask you the same question." His voice enters the scene, adding hues of yellow into my dim room. 

"Bored, I spent the entire day playing housewife. What about you?" I let out a breathy laugh as I run my hand over my eye. 

"I went and saw my parents for a bit...you played housewife?" 

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