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C--"Honey breakfast is done!" I was woken up by my dad shouting to me bright and early, I sigh and throw the covers back and sit up, I looked at the clock on my nightstand seeing that it is 6 AM, I got up and did my morning routine before getting ready. 

Well, I should probably introduce myself my name is Grace Miller. I am 19 years old, I am 5'5, I have long deep dark straight brown hair that reaches the lower part of my back. I bet you know that everybody knows of a bigger girl in school, or fat is what people call them, well I am one of those girls, I am 364 pounds to be exact and I am not the kind of plus size girl that has a big ass and boobs, no I am the girl with a mediocre size butt and I only wear a size d cup not the double or triple d's like some women. Anyways back to this morning, I went down the stairs not caring that I was in an oversized t-shirt and short shorts because usually nobody is here eating with us but as I reach the kitchen entrance, I see my dad and the back of who I am guessing to be his best friend Travis Briggs and I blush looking at what I am wearing and before I could sneak back upstairs to change my dad caught me and said with a big smile on his face, 

C--"Hey honey good morning" I smile said in a quiet voice, 

G--"Good morning dad" he pointed to my seat that I usually sit at, and did I tell you where Travis was sitting, yeah you probably guessed it right beside my seat that I sit at. I sat there for a few minutes just looking at my dad making three plates and then sliding them to each place then I heard Travis say, 

T--"Good morning, Grace" I looked at him quickly then back down at my plate whispering, 

G--"Good morning Mr. Briggs"

T--"How many times have I told you to call me by my first name" I heard the amusement in his voice, and I just stayed quiet and started to eat the least fattening part of breakfast which was the fruit. As they talked about something I was picking at my food that was until my dad said, 

C--"Honey is there something wrong with your breakfast?" I wanted to say, "No, I just don't want to eat in front of your incredibly sexy friend because I am shy around him" but instead I say, 

G--"No everything is good" to prove it I take a bite of the waffles, and he smiles while nodding his head before looking down at his phone, I looked back down at my plate and took a few more bites trying to ignore the sex god looking at me, I know what you are thinking how I could possibly think my dad's friend is hot, but he is 6'4, toned body, black hair,  olive skin, and his whole upper body is covered in tattoo's so I think I have a little bit of a right to think he is hot. I finally had enough of him staring at me I stood up and walked over to the trash and scraped off the little I had left and put my dish in the sink and then said to my dad, 

G--"Dad I am going to go get ready" 

C--"Ready for what?" 

G--"I am going job hunting today" he looked at me for a second then said, 

C--"Okay now get a job that the degree will work goo in, be safe I love you" I nodded my head and said, 

G--"Okay love you too" I then took off walking to my room before getting ready for the day. I know what my dad wants me to get a job doing but I don't think anybody will hire me, I went to college for a business degree and since I went to a community college, I got my Associate Degree in Business in a year. After getting ready I walked down the stair and yelled out for my dad but heard nothing, so I just walked out of the penthouse my dad moved us into when I was 15 years old. I walked to out to my car when I finally made my way down the elevator and through the lobby and tarted my journey for a job. 

Manager--"I am sorry you are just not what we are looking for, or the type of person to fill this position" I nodded holding my tears and shook her hand before leaving, this is my 6th interview today and it is already getting late. All of the managers had the same responses, either you aren't good enough for my business, or you don't fit in, I even went to a bakery to try and get the manager's job but all she said to me was that I would probably eat all of the goods and wouldn't make a profit from them. I cried all the way home but when I reached the parking lot of the penthouse, I sat there for a minute to collect myself, I wiped my tears and then got out of the car before making my way up to my home. Once I made it to the door, I found it unlocked and I knew my dad was inside, 

C--"Honey come in here dinner is almost done" I sat my purse and my keys down on the table beside the door before making my way to the kitchen, yet again saw Travis and my dad in the kitchen but this time they both had their suit jackets off and in a relaxed position, work must have been successful if they are in a good mood and relaxed, 

G--"Hey" I cringed at the sound of my voice from all of the crying I did today and then sit down at the island yet again beside Travis my dad turned around and looked at me then said, 

C--"Who am I going to have to hurt?" I rolled my eyes and said, 

G--"Nobody, but I am going to have to take a few days off of the job hunting, I have interviewed every job with a business background and got turned down by every one of them" he nodded sadly, it was really quiet before I stood up from my seat about to go up to my room and change and what Travis said to me stunned the shit out of me, 

T--"Why don't you be my personal assistant at the company while you find the right job for yourself? I am in need of one pretty bad and it will also give you the work experience in the business field."

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