New Office

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When me and Travis made our way to his company it was very quiet and I couldn't make a conversation with him to save my life, so we just continued in silence well other than the sound of him shifting his 2022 Matt Black Bugatti. We were getting close to the company when he finally asked me something, 

T--"Are you nervous?" he glanced over at me at the same time I decided to look at him, I blushed then said before looking out the window again, 

G--"Yeah I hope I am good enough for a company as big as yours" 

T--"You will be fine" we came to a stop in front of the very tall building, and he said, 

T--"Stay in the car" I nod and watch him get out shutting his door and then walked around the car opening my door for me, 

G--"Thank you" he just nodded his head at me then threw his keys the valet boy. As soon as he threw them to the young boy he took off into the huge door and I followed right behind him he was then stopped by a guy that looked no older than 30 years old and Travis said, 

T--"Go wait by the black set of elevators for me, I'll be right there" 

G--"Okay" I took the short journey and stood where he told me to stand, I end up leaning against the wall as his talk went on and on, then all of the sudden I heard somebody say right beside me, 

Security--"Miss you can't be right here"

G--"I was told to stand here sir" I said very politely and shy like, this is something you probably don't know about me yet but when I am in the public, I get really bad anxiety but usually I can handle it but right now this guy looks really intimidating, 

Security--"I am going to have to ask you to leave miss" 

G--"I-I work here s-sir and I can't leave I was instructed to stand here until my b-boss was done talking" 

Security--"You left me no choice miss" he gripped my arm extremely tight knowing it is going to leave a bruise and he started to pull me, and I tried to fight back due to my panic level rising but his grip just started to tighten even more so I instantly stop, when I was pulled towards the door past Travis he noticed and turned fully towards us and his face turned livid, I hope he knew that it wasn't my fault, 

T--"Tony let my assistant go right this now" the Tony guy let me go and I stood still afraid to move and get in trouble, I then hear Travis say to the guy he was previously talking to, 

T--"We'll talk later in my office" he then motioned for me to walk with him, and we walked back to the black elevator door instead of the silver set and he pushed in a code that opened up the doors, once we got in the doors shut and he put his thumb on a scanner and then we were sent up to the top level. On the way it was completely silent, and I could tell that he was mad, so I quietly said,

G--"I am sorry Mr. Briggs" I looked down straight ahead to look at the black set of doors then I saw him step in line of sight and put a finger under my chin lifting in until we met eyes, he then rubbed my cheek and that is when I noticed that I was starting to cry for some unknown reason,

T--"You have no reason to be sorry and no need to cry, he was the one in the wrong, okay?" I didn't believe him, but I nodded anyways. We both heard the ding of the elevator telling us we have arrived at our destination, and he pulled away walking out of the elevator, I quickly wipe off my face and then stand tall walking out of the elevator. As soon as I walk off the elevator though I immediately felt my shoulder sag everybody was gorgeous here, they were all tall, skinny, blond long hair, I definitely don't belong here. I felt everybody looking at me and the ones that I glanced at were all glaring at me and not to mention that all the girls were wearing white, and the men were all wearing grey suits. Me and Travis walk into the office and after shutting the door he walked over to his chair and sat down, 

T--"Have a seat Grace" I walked over at sat down on one of the chairs in front of his desk and waited for him to talk, 

T--"Okay with this job you will have a connecting office with mine, there you will be filing, you will be making important phone calls, you will be emailing, you will be helping with the directing part of business events, you will be printing off important papers for meetings, you will be taking notes while you were in the meetings with me, and you will be managing my schedule, and don't worry I will be also helping with majority of the stuff as well, I just need somebody here to help relieve me off some of the work" I nodded my head and waited for him to continue but he didn't 

G--"Sounds excellent Mr. Briggs" he looked at me for a second then he stood up and motioned for me to follow him and I did we walked into the door beside his office, he quickly stepped in, and I felt my mouth drop open at the sight of my office, it had a wall full of windows just like his, it had a glass desk, with white chairs in front of it my desk chair was also white, it had a long whit couch off to the side, it had filing cabinets on the one wall and then shelves for like a bookcase, then it had a little mini bar off to the side filled with non-alcoholic drinks,

T--"Do you like it? I think you do since your about to have a fly land in your mouth" I quickly shut my mouth and blushed, 

G--"I do love it thank you" I wish it had some black in it, it is so... white but I also don't want him to think that I ungrateful, so I stay quiet, 

T--"On your desk you will find a tablet, laptop, and a new phone so you can have better access for work without having to worry about all of your older stuff" he knows that I hate getting new stiff just because we have money, I rather use everything I have until it goes bad. I just nod and don't say anything, 

T--"Okay grab your stuff off the table and then we will be going"

G--"U-umm I thought we were working today?" 

T--"Well you need stuff for the office, and you need new clothes so that is where we are going now, and I am going to get you something to eat since your dad won't be home" 

G--"I can go shopping tomorrow night I am sure my dad won't mind lending me some money until I get paid, I will get essentials then"

T--"You're going today, now collect your stuff and let's go" he used the Dominant voice, like he did earlier on me, and I felt like I couldn't say no. I quickly grabbed my stuff and followed him out and down the elevator we went to make our journey to the mall. 

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