Wedding & Reception

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Lucky... that is what I am. I am lucky to have such and amazing, handsome, caring future husband. I was looking at him from behind Cassie and Macie which were about to walk down the isle and I feel nervous but blessed to have a chance with someone like him, I thought I would never have a chance like this with being my size, hair color, eye color, etc. I looked over at my dad and I asked,

G--"Dad? Do I look okay?" He looked over at me like I was crazy,

C--"You look absolutely stunning. I really wish your mom was here to see you walk down the isle and marry somebody that you are so smitten with, honey you are what he needs and he is what you need even though those words almost made me through up its true, you are happy, healthy, and beautiful just like you mom was on our wedding day and I will let you in on a small secret, your mom wore a black and slightly purple dress on our wedding day" he said with a smile which I quickly replied with one of my own. I then quickly say holding back tears,

G--"Thank you dad, I love you"

C--"I love you too, now let's get you married to that man out there who looks like he is about to throw up because we made him wait even longer" I looked forward and realized that the girls had already walked down the isle and was looking at each other with worried faces on,

G--" Well let's do it dad!" He gave a quiet chuckle but quickly stood straight and was serious. We finally start our approach to the alter. When we made it dad gave my hand away to Travis of course saying quietly,

C--"Hurt her, my mafia boss totally won't play a factor, you will not be alive the next day. Congratulations you two" he then kissed my cheek, patted Travis's back then took his stand behind Travis as his best man. The guy that was marrying us started and I was on the verge of crying and it didn't help that it was time to do our vows, I sighed and started.

G--"Travis, there were multiple times I thought from the time I was 16 to recently before we started our relationship, that wow he is rough around the edges but he takes care of us all not even thinking about it. What if I happened to get with him? What would my dad think? And not just him what would the world think? But as soon as I got a taste of what you are really like, how you treat me good, make sure I am well taken care of, make me feel beautiful, I would never trade anything that has happened. And one last thing is, I am so happy that you still agreed to marry me even if it was more complicated than that, I love you Travis Briggs until my very last breath" I felt tear start to roll down my face when I finished and I felt him wipe them away before grabbing a paper out of his front pocket and start saying,

T--"Grace, or Gray is what I call her for short, I remember when you would get mad when anybody else would call you that, I remember when you looked at me all the time then realized that you were looking at me for far too long and would just walk away without talking. I remember when you refused to call me by my first name but would always called me Mr. Briggs all the time. I remember when I first saw you more than my best friends daughter, I saw you as the most wonderful, funny, honest, adorable, shy, beautiful, women I have ever met and I am so proud that you are taking my last name today, I love you soon to be Mrs. Briggs" I was crying but I quickly stopped and let the guys finish our wedding off while I was thinking of what he said and then I heard now you may kiss your bride and cheers broke out and I was pulled into a opened mouth kiss that must have been a little to long because I heard my dad clear his throat, we both pulled back with a smile and we walk out of the place and I saw dad instructing everybody to follow him into the reception area.

I was suddenly pushed against the wall by the door and kissed. I moaned loudly when Travis went to my neck and made it to my special spot. I then feel his wondering hands and I realized what we were doing and where we were doing it,

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