News and Angry Text

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I woke up the next morning and I rolled over on my side with my eyes still closed and I felt a warm chest under me, and I smile but relax so I could fall asleep but I just couldn't so I just kept my eyes closed a little longer before I had to face today you might be confused when I say that, but I am going to try and talk to my dad and be the bigger person. I opened up my eyes and quickly shut them due to the light shining in the window I heard his chuckle, and I looked up seeing that he was looking at me,

G--"I am surprised you stayed in my room all night"

T--"And why is that?"

G--"It is still like World War three in the house, I am really sorry that I caused friction in your guy's friendship"

T--"Hey it was bound to happen anyways" I looked at him confused but I just shook it off and heard my phone go off, so I turned over and picked up my phone seeing there is lot of unknown people contacting me and then the guy that has been sending me the text has texted me 10 times, and that is when I saw the new break, I sat up straight in the bed,

G--"Oh no, no, no" I whispered to myself and continued to look at all the things they are saying to about me, last night paparazzi took dozens of pictures of me, Travis, and even some of his mom eating dinner with us. What they had to say was really hurting the little self-esteem I had, some examples of the text are; "Look at the pig" "Look at him feed his pig, wonder if she is going to the auction?" "I wonder what the most eligible bachelor's mom thinks of the girl he is with?" "I wonder what it is like to sleep with a big girl?" "She is pretty for her size" "Girl's like her don't deserve guys like him, he is successful, powerful, rich, and while she is a poor nobody"

T--"Baby girl... Princess... Gray... Grace?"

G--"Yes?" I answered him slowly looking towards him but not at him,

T--"Are you okay?"

G--"Yes, Umm I am going to go take a shower" I quickly get up and throw my phone on the bed. When I walk into the bathroom, I shut the door behind me and quickly get undressed avoiding the mirror that hung over the sink. When I get in the shower, I turn on the water and let my head lean on the shower wall while wrapping my arms around my mid-section and let tears fall down my face. When I heard the shower door open then close, I stayed facing the wall in my exact position.

G--"You know they are all right, but you are stuck with me because of a fucking contract" I felt more tears go down my face.

T--"I don't care what they say, I want you and that is all that matters"

G--"But do you, do you care for me like I care for you?"

T--"Grace ..."

G--"That's what I thought, I'll be out in a minute so we can try and talk to my dad"

T--"I am not going anywhere" I felt him touch his front to my back and I was suddenly turned around and his face looked like face was draining of his color,

T--"Baby don't cry over any of this, please, it is breaking my heart"

G--"If I don't do it now, I will be doing it later so mis well get it over with right?" I chuckled but stopped because of the shock of what he does next, he leans down capturing my lips with him pushing me back against the wall, everything he was doing was possessive, rough, dominate but yet so gentle.

I moan into the kiss, and he pulled back going to my neck leaving a love bite on my neck before continuing his travels down my body to my breast giving each the same attention as he did my neck, he bit and sucked at my nipples. He started at the valley between my breath and was kissing towards my stomach but once he reached the top of it all the things they were saying came back to my mind, I said breathless,

G--"Wait, Travis" he didn't stop instead he went faster,

G--"Travis" I said in a more stern voice,

T--"Yes?" He said in between kisses,

G--"I can't have you kiss me out of pity"

T--"Who the hell said anything about pity? I want to do this to show you I am with you because I don't care about your body in fact I love it just the way that it is, I would never change this body and neither should you" I looked down and thought about what he said then slowly shook my head okay and I even slightly tugged his neck as in saying you can go ahead and continue which was no big deal to him he went straight back to it.

He slowly made his way to the prize place but made sure he kissed all the way down my stomach first. He then trailed a lime back up to my breast and while I was focusing on the flicking of his tongue on my nipple, he suddenly plunged I think two fingers in me and went at a pace that was just like his kisses earlier and before I knew it, I had come all over his hand. He looked up at me while sucking my nipple one last time before letting it go.

T--"Now let's get you cleaned up before having to deal with your dad"

G--"But what about you?"

T--"Right now is all about you, I will be okay" I didn't say anything, but I hope it affected him as it affects me. He helped me wash and when we both go out, he helped my dry and walked out sitting on my bed picking up my phone and looking through the text that the person that had been texting me and what I opened was not good and the last one sent chills down my spine, he said; "What happened last night better not happen again" "You hear me, you are mine" "You better not ever let me catch you out in the public like that again" "you are only mine to touch" "Answer me, you are my submissive not his" "I should have fought harder to keep you mine" "I love you my sweet, and just because you are marrying him, you will always be mine, don't worry I will teach you very soon, until then my sweet have a great day and think about me lots" I dropped my phone saying,

G--"I can't get a damn break" Travis came into the bedroom already dressed,

T--"What's wrong"

G-"He's back and he's not very happy about what happened at the restaurant" he walked up to me and grabbed my phone from where I dropped it on the floor and read the text. I saw his jaw clench and he handed me my phone back not saying anything walking to the closet and coming back out shortly with clothes,

T--"Get dressed baby girl, we are definitely talking to your dad today" with that I got dressed quickly and we make our way down the stairs and into the kitchen when we walked in, I said to my dad who was thankfully in the kitchen already,

G--"Dad I know your mad at me right now, but we need to talk... he's texting me again and this time he isn't playing around"

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