Dress Shopping

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My dad, Macie, and Cassidy have been gone for a few days on business and hasn't answered my calls, but I really need them here since it is dress shopping time, and I wanted the girls and my dad's opinion.

T--"Grace are you with us?" I looked up and the men were all looking at me and I quickly looked over at Travis and smiled that didn't reach my eyes but there was one,

G--"Yes sorry sir there is a lot on my mind today, but I will get back to making some notes" I instantly looked down and waited for them to start once again and take notes. When the meeting was over it was just me and Travis left in the meeting room, and he handed me a folder which I opened it and saw that it was the contract between him and Henderson.

G--"Oh my gosh, I am so, so, sorry that I forgot about that meeting, why didn't you get me before you left?" there was Friday meeting at the club with Henderson that I forgot all about, I played with the ring on my finger,

T--"I didn't tell you because I knew that you were stressed out with the charity ball that is coming up and our wedding coming up, also not to mention that you are twirling your ring, so I know that your dad has yet to see the ring that has claimed your finger since I paid for it"

G--"You are right about the ring and my dad situation, but I wanted to ask you something really fast"

T--"Go ahead princess"

G--"Can we somehow do the charity ball after the wedding, say maybe a month after" then I realized that this is arranged marriage and he doesn't truly love me I mean we have done stuff together but that is it. I quickly stand grabbing my tablet, notebook, and phone and said,

G--"Actually let's keep the date that is fine" I walked out and walked to my office and started calling the designer for the charity event, but the lime was busy, so I called the florist shop.

G--"Hi ma'am I would like to order 150 bouquets of red and white roses, and can I have then in all white vases also... yes 150... I work for Briggs company, and we are having our annual charity fundraiser ball... I will need them in 2 weeks... thank you I will come down and pay you for them, have a good day" I hung up the phone and let my head drop to my hands that were being supported by my elbows on my office desk when I heard,

T--"We aren't doing it until we are married baby girl, you didn't give me a chance to answer you earlier"

G--"No I am fine, I know that you aren't marrying me because you want to so I shouldn't be as stressed as I am to make our wedding the best of the best, actually I think I am going to go and look at dresses, then stop by and pay the shop for the flowers" I stood up and grabbed my phone and purse about to head out when Travis said while shutting the door,

T--"I do care about this wedding have I made you not feel like it and where is this coming from?"

G--"You might care for me, but do you want to marry me?"

T--"Of course I want to marry you, I'd rather it be you than some bimbo off the street, now tell me what the biggest problem that is going through that precious mind of yours?" I sit back down and let my head hit the back of the chair to look at the ceiling,

G--"M-my dad or friends haven't come back yet"


G--"I have to get a dress"


G--"I have to get a wedding dress and none of them are here to help me through it, I already think I don't have time to get a dress altered to actually fit my size, but I can't go in there myself"

T--"Then I will be there with you, let's go right now" he smiled at me excitedly and I smile back and stand-up walking to him and he wrapped his arm around my waist, and I did too all the way down the elevator but tried to pull away so people wouldn't see us, but he pulled me closer, and I looked up at him with confusion written all over my face,

T--"I want to show you off, you are going to be mine by marriage, so I am going to make it public, I am not going to keep you in the dark" I smiled a genuine smile while nodding my head. We made it out of the office and into car getting a lot of stares, but nobody laughed or said anything to us.

We are now at the boutique and somehow, he knows where a plus size one is which shocks me, and as soon as I walked in, I smiled brightly,

Z--"Hi my name is Zolla, and you must be Grace"

G--"Hi yes I am" I shook her hand and looked at Travis and said,

G--"Thank you"

T--"Your welcome little one" she led me to a dressing room while Travis sat on the big white couch in front of the door and she asked me what I was looking for and I told her and the shock on her face was priceless,

Z--"You want black?"

G--"Yes if you have some" she nodded saying she will be right back and to get in the rib that was hanging on the door. When she came back in, I was shocked at how many options they had for me to try on in black, I immediately tried one on and I didn't really like it, it was lace mermaid style,

G--"I don't really want to show him this" she nodded and helped take it off of me then slipped on the next dress which was still tight on me but a little better and I walked out, and he looked up,

T--"It's pretty but not you" I nod in agreement and walked back in and then saw a dress that was hidden under all the other dresses, and I ask,

G--"Can I please try this one on?" It was a flowy dress with black sparkles down the dress, sweetheart neckline, the straps went around my neck with a pattern that sort of looked like lace on each side. As soon as I put it on, I knew it was my dress and it was exactly my size. I walked out with a smile so big it reached ear to ear, he looked up from his phone and looked I think shocked,

G--"Do you like it"

T--"Like it baby? I love it" he smiled and then asked me,

T--"Do you love it?"

G--"Yes I love it very much, this is definitely the one, I also saw a black crown over there do you mind getting it for me?" He got up and went over room the crowns and picked a different one that I saw, and it was beautiful but when I put it on, it was too much so I walked over and saw a simple hair clip that was black diamonds, and the vail was a see through, and light black in color. After a moment of looking at myself in the mirror I turned to Travis and saw that he was already looking at me with a smile then looked over at the girl that was helping me today's and say,

G--"I will take the dress"

Z--"You don't want to vail and hair piece?" I started calculating the price of the vail and head piece and that alone is $1200.00 and then when I went to look at the price of the dress my hand was slapped away, I looked up and saw Travis shaking his head,

T--"We'll take the vail, head piece, and dress" I gave Travis a look that said you are in trouble which in return he just smirks at me watching me while I go back into the dressing room and got dressed into my regular clothes and when I walked out I see him standing with one big dress bag and saw two boxes on the couch, I sigh and walk over to him and pick up the boxes,

G--"Thank you Travis this means more than you'll ever know" he smiles at me and then we both leave the dress boutique happy and what we both don't know is when we get home shit is going to hit the fan.

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