Ice Cream bar 18+

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I woke up the next day still in his bed and I hurriedly sat up looking around the room and realized that this is the first time I had ever been in one of his bedrooms and it is definitely his room for sure, it had dark grey walls, black satin sheets and comforter, the bathroom door was ajar and I could see the black marble walls and countertop from where I was sitting, there were two other doors which were both closed, one had a locked key pad and the other was just closed. I then put my hand down on the bed to try and help myself off the bed but then I felt a piece of paper under my hand, and I picked it up and read it. 

Dear Little One,

We will be back in a few hours; I didn't want to wake you up after our time together early this morning, we have a small amount of business to do and then we will be home, also you may use my shower if you want, See you soon. 

Sincerely, Travis 

I smile at the note and sit it down on the bed side table and then looked around and found everything I needed which wasn't much then leave his room, which thankfully I didn't see anybody when I made my way to my room diagonally acrossed the hallway. I took a longer than needed hot shower and then got in comfortable clothes, I decided with sweatpants, a baggy t-shirt, and some socks. I dried my hair a little with a towel but as soon as it stopped dripping down my back, I let it air dry. I then grab my phone and then walk to the big library that he had, and I have yet to read any books from, when I walk in, I walk over to New Adult section and pick one out and start reading.

 I was about three fourths of the way through the book, and I look down at my phone and see that I have been reading a lot longer than I meant to. I pick up the book and my phone walk down the stair and was about to walk into the kitchen when I hear the girls come through the door followed by my dad and Travis. I blushed when me and Travis's eyes meet, and his only reaction was to smirk at me and then motioned for all of us to follow him into the kitchen, we all sat down at the small table, and I open up my book and start reading once again but was pulled away a few moments later by Cassidy saying, 

C--"So what have you been up too?" I placed my book down and answered her, 

G--"I took a shower, and read a book" 

C--"What did you eat today?" this time it was my dad, and I gulped looking at him, 

G--"Was just about to come eat lunch actually" 

C--"You still didn't answer my question" 

G--"Fine I got to caught up in my book and I may have not noticed what time it was"

C--"So you did eat" I shook my head no and he sighed, Travis walked to the fridge grabbed turkey, ham, tomatoes, onion, lettuce, mayo, apple juice, grape juice, and water from the fridge

T--"What is the orders, and since Grace has yet to eat today what would you like?" 

G--"Turkey with all the toppings and apple juice" I smiled at him and when he sat the plate down, I see that there are pineapple and strawberries on it too which are my favorite fruits

G--"Thank you!"

T--"Your welcome little one" I looked up at him when he called me that and saw something in his eyes I don't understand really, but if it was my guess, it was lust. He walked back over and started making everyone's order, and when he was about to sit down to eat his food, he sat his plate down to the right of me and walked back over to the counter pouring a glass over apple juice and water before walking back over and handing me the glass of apple juice and sat the water down by his plate. We all started eating since everyone got their food. Then dad said, 

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