Leaving for Vacation

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It has been a week since that night that we shared together and I have never been so embarrassed in my life but to my luck he was gone the next morning when I woke up, and he has been gone from work all week, now we have to see each other again but this time we are going on vacation tomorrow so this is going to be incredibly weird. I quickly made it out of the building and got into my Mclaren my dad bought me and then drove home to quickly pack up my things before we leave tomorrow. 

Once I reached home, I see that everybody was there and I mean everybody, Macie, Cassidy, Travis, and my dad and I just smile giving them a quick wave then went upstairs. I'm so embarrassed because I have never had sex before, I mean I have had a guy do what he has done to me before but right after that he left and never came back, that was my last boyfriend. Once in my room I quickly change into a tank top with some leggings, and I grab my suitcase and packed all my stuff that I would need for the next week, I know that it was for some kind of business stuff that they were doing but they said I could come along. I grabbed my tote purse and put a few books in it and then my essentials such as my charger block, my Chapstick, my earbuds, my small makeup bag, my jewelry bag, and I put my spare charger in there as well. I then walked down the stairs and I see everyone still in there and I walk past them and grabbed a quick sandwich, chips, and a water then walked into the direction of my room once again but Macie stopped me, 

M--"You're not eating with us? Your dad invited us over to eat and spend the night so we could all just travel to the airport together" I said only looking at her, 

G--"No I think I will eat this then crash, had a long week with trying to keep up with everything, also Mr. Briggs I will send all the crap that you missed before I go to sleep" I said to Travis as I walked away. I walked into my room and ate before falling asleep not even getting to the whole workload that he missed, and the stuff he wouldn't reply to me about, I don't really care though it was his fault. I woke up the next morning to my alarm and I quickly sat up and went to the bathroom and did my morning routine and I guess I was in too much of a morning fog because I just realized that my best friends are sleeping on the armchair and couch in my room. I shook my head and walked into my closet grabbing a new pair of black leggings and an old vintage band t-shirts and then went out placing my phone and in my tote bag when quickly pulled my heavy suitcase to the door and placing my bag on top of it. 

 I shook both Cassidy and Macie to wake them up and told them to quickly get ready which they did, I put my hair up in a messy bun and put on my Nikes on before grabbing my stuff and walking out of the door they followed shortly after, saying that they will freshen up on the plane. Once we got down the stairs, I see Travis sitting on the couch with black dress pants and a black t-shirt similar to the one I wore the other day I quickly look way when I notice him starting to wake up, I walked to the door grabbing my keys off the hook and I looked up and saw that everybody was ready but still talking to each other, so I just walked out the door without talking to any of them once to the elevator and the doors opening they walked in right as the doors were closing and just my luck it had to be Travis pushed up beside me.

I just rolled my eyes at that but feel them blur, damn I know that I am not his type he is used to skinny, blue eyes, blond hair, where I am fat, dark brown hair, and green eyes but did he really have to leave the next morning and not show up for a week. I quickly wipe my eye off and sniffle which caused somebody to look at me and I looked around the elevator until I meet the eyes I didn't really want to look at for a while, so I quickly look away, I know that he was embarrassed and so was I not the same kind of embarrassed but damn he could have at least stayed the night. The elevator doors open, and everybody walked out and there were two cars pulled up and the girls get in my dad's, and he pulls off not before waving, guess I am with Travis once again, I sighed and walked to his car putting my stuff beside his in the trunk before getting in the car and he followed me. When he got in, he said, 

T--"Your father and the girls have something to take care of before making their way to the airport" Yeah fucking each other ewe, yuck not the image I want in my head good going Grace. I know that they are all together especially since I was doing the laundry yesterday and I saw two set of the same kind of sexy underwear just in different colors, which I knew were theirs because they are not even out yet, but they paid good money to have them. I didn't answer him I just keep looking straight out the windshield as he drives. We pull up at the airport, to his private jet to be exact it was all black on the outside. We got out and the people were already loading our bags on the jet. When we got on the seats were even black, but it did have a nice white rug in the middle, and whit tables and doors, it's funny it kind of looks like my office. I sit down and grab a book out of my tote bag and my ear buds, before getting too comfy I buckled myself in, that is when I noticed that Travis is sitting in front of me. As I see my friends and my dad board the jet, I was already putting in my earbuds and leaning my head up against the headrest closing my eyes. 

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