Birthday Pt.2 18+

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I was blushing in the front of Travis's car since my dad said that I should ride with him since there won't be much parking, so here I sit alone in Travis's car while he drives and it is awkward after he caught me, why did I have to be so obvious I have never had this big of a problem over the last few years that I figured out that I liked him, so what changed now. I heard him say something, but I ignored it and continued looking out the window.

T--"If you don't answer me, I will stop this car and pull you acrossed my knee and spank you" I blushed and felt like I couldn't breathe,

T--"Now I asked you, are you excited for tonight?"

G--"Y-yeah" I whispered out, but I knew he heard me since he didn't say anything else to me. I played with the string that is loose at the end of my dress out of nervousness for the rest of the way to the restaurant. We pull up to the restaurant and I quickly get out of the car and walk up to meet Macie and Cassidy by the door while we wait for Travis. Once he got out of his car, he looked mad about something, but I ignored it and walked in, once I walked in, I see all the pretty women in their really fancy dresses, their hair pinned up, expensive jewelry, skinny, every one of them have a man on their arms, and I instantly feel bad about myself, I know what you're probably thinking, why are you feeling bad about yourself? Or why do you sound like a baby? I don't know the answer to those question, I just don't find myself pretty. I stepped to the side and let my dad walk past me followed by my two friends and then Travis, we got up to the women at the desk by the door,

Waitress--"Just four?"

C--"No, five" she looked at me and she rolled her eyes at me, and I just looked down until I heard her say,

Waitress--"Okay then just follow me" I followed behind them all and once we sat down at a table, I was in-between siblings Macie and Travis. I looked down at the menu and I see a Cesar's salad and I will just go with that.

Waitress--"What can I get everybody to drink?" everybody got something different and I just sticked with water and before she left, she said to the girls,

Waitress--"I really love your guy's dresses" Macie and Cassidy thanked her and I stayed quiet, she left and then the girls started talking to my father and I just sat there quiet that was until I heard Travis whisper in my ear,

T--"That wasn't nice to ignore the waitress"

G--"She wasn't talking to me; she was talking to Cassidy and Macie" I started to tug on my dress again but this time was because I just really wanted to go home and lay on the couch right as I looked up and saw that Travis was about to say something the waitress walked out with all of our food and my plate was smaller than it was meant to be, but I didn't say anything to her and started to eat, then all of the sudden Travis said close to me ear,

T--"You're not going to tell her to bring the actual plate?" I looked over and saw that he has yet to start eating and then looked over at the others and see that they were all talking and eating, which I really think they all like each other, but I don't say anything. I look back at Travis and say,

G--"No, plus this is fine" that is when my dad gets a call, as do the girls, and I look over at Travis and see that he is texting somebody as the others pick up their phones, they all put down their phones, but all have guilty looks on their faces,

G--"Work emergencies?" they all nodded but Travis,

G--"Go ahead, we all still have vacation to go on in a week so go, we can celebrate then" they all gave me a sad smile, I just wished I knew what they all did on the side, but I guess I will never know. After they got up and said before they left,

C--"We are so sorry, we will make it up to you, as for the bill I will pay on the way out" the waitress came back to our table and said after they had already left,

Waitress--"Where is the rest of your table?"

G--"They left" I said getting up putting the napkin on the table and started to walk out not waiting on Travis, when I got out to the valet and said Travis's last name, he had come out of the restaurant looking confused,

T--"Where are you going?"


T--"Don't you still want to go out?"


T--"Grace listen we are going out still, so you can have a good time today"

G--"I'm just not in the mood, okay?" he didn't say anything else to me and as soon as the valet guys stops in front of us, I jump in his car not waiting on Travis. We were driving in silence all the way back to my home and once there we both got out and we made our way there, once inside I immediately go upstairs and grab a big t-shirt that I have no clue whose it was, but it was comfy, and I put on my spandex shorts not really caring how I look right now since I nobody is here anyways. I walk back downstairs and find Travis is still here, when I see him looking at the shirt, I was wearing his eyes darkened,

G--"I didn't think you would have stayed" he looked up to meet my eyes and he said,

T--"You're wearing my shirt"

G--"What?" I asked in disbelief,

T--"You heard me, now sit on the couch I ordered pizza, and we are watching a movie" I sit down, and we eat really quick. Now we are watching a movie sitting comfortably on the couch next thing I know I heard him ask,

T--"Do you have any pants on?" I look over at him and see that he was looking at my legs and I cleared my throat when I felt my lips get wetter and not the lips on my face.

G--"Yes I have spandex on but sometimes they rid up on my thighs, sorry" next thing I know my legs are being dragged down to where I am laying on my back. I saw Travis hovering over me, and what he said shocked me well not as much as my answer,

T--"May I taste you?" I said maybe a little too quickly

G--"Yes" he pulled down my shorts along with my underwear, then I realized that I haven't shaved in a long time, so I shut my thighs and said,

G--"I'm sorry I haven't shaved in a while" he proceeds to pry my thighs open and say,

T--"I don't care if you have hair, it is natural, I am a man not some boy that thinks women should be bald, in fact I think you should never shave again" he then all of the sudden licks my slit from bottom to top and I moan out loud. He suddenly added a finger and started to rub my clit while he tongue fucked my hole. He was going so fast I thought I would release at any moment and that is what I did a couple seconds later. I looked down and saw that I had a grip on his hair and that it sounded like he was having trouble breathing I immediately let go of his hair and he raised up and I saw my juices on his face right before I felt my eyes close for a much-needed sleep.

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