Along For The Ride 18+

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I was in deep sleep when I suddenly heard something that caused me to wake up. I slowly open my eyes and look over to wear Travis is sitting beside me looking at me with his hand wrapped around himself.

G--"Well good morning to you too, what has you so excited this fine morning?"

T--Well the fact my sexy wife is sleeping naked with a thin sheet barely over her body, or the fact that your body was pressed up against me all night long"

G--"Shit I am sorry" I quickly covered myself with the sheet hiding all of my body and moved away from him a little to give him space, but I didn't get far before he somehow managed to get me on his lap,

T--"Did I tell you to cover yourself up, or move your gorgeous body away from me?" I shook my head no,


G--"No you didn't" I nodded looking down at what he was now looking and smiling at which was my neck and chest area, when I looked down, I saw small love bites on me, and I blush bright red.

T--"Damn I did a good job" I quickly raised up off of his lap to give him a break in my weight, but he pushed me back down with force and I felt him hard as a brick under me, I moan,

T--"Are you sore?" He pushed a finger in me, and I replied,

G--"A little but not to where it is beyond painful"

T--"Good, think you could go another round this beautiful morning?" I nod my head and bite my lip, and he didn't give me any warning when he thrusted up in me. I fall against his chest,


T--"Are you okay?"

G--"Yes but go fast"

T--"You like it hard and fast baby girl?"

G--"Yesss" I moan out, and just like that he gave me what I wanted then he does something shocks me, he smacks my butt, I gasp in not only shock, but in pleasure. I am so glad he can't see my face due to it leaning against his chest but as he went on, I felt like I needed something,

G--"Please do it again"

T--"Do what baby girl?"

G--"Spank me" I moan out as he went harder, when I felt him palm my bottom left cheek I shudder. He didn't say anything or does anything for a while, instead he does it out of surprise making me moan out loud.

G--"I am close" he speeds up groaning himself, he spanks me on the left cheek again but then does it on my right side harder than the last but not enough to hurt me but enough to bring me pleasure. I moan and cum all over him. He pushes my hips down and holding me there until he was finished unloading. When I catch my breath, I sit up and say,

G-- I need to use the bathroom but after I am done, I am making breakfast while you shower"

T--"Why do I need to shower; I am just going to get dirty again" he smirks, and I blush. I raise my hips and I moan but follow through with what I am going to do. I get off of him and walk into the bathroom quickly cleaning up some and using the bathroom before walking back out seeing that our suitcases are now on the floor beside the bed I walk over to my suitcase and was about to open it when a shirt landed right in front of me and I raised my eyebrow at him in confusion,

T--"Wear it"

G--"It won't fit like it would other girls"

T--"Grace it will fit"

G--" No it won't, but I will try" I slip it on and it long but tight around my body.

G--"Told you" I grabbed the bottom about to pull it off me, but my hand was knocked away and he said,

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