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It has been 4 months since we left the hospital, and I couldn't be happier. We all healed up just fine some had more scars than others and had to do therapy for a few weeks, but everybody recovered perfectly. After we came back home, I couldn't face the rest of the people that had risked their lives for me and some even did just that risked their lives over mine which sometimes it still ways on me but there was something Lane said to me after I finally was able to see everybody again. He said,

L--"You should never feel guilty for any one of us getting hurt, or for the lives that were lost that day, yes you can be sad and morn them but at the end of the day you did force them to help you, they got up and got their guns because they wanted to help you, and I am sorry how I treated you because that day you stood up and faced that evil person with more balls then some of us men would have and we all thank you for that" that is what he said to me that helped me on my bad days. Now on to a happier note, I am well into my pregnancy, and I feel like I am going to pop already, we found out that we are having our first boy and his name will be William (Will) Sebastion Briggs. As for my dad they just got married last month and they are so adorable they did have an uninvited guest, Cassidy decided to show up and caused a small scene before the wedding but other than that it was a beautiful wedding and guess what she wanted a deep blue wedding dress, I guess I am not the only one that wanted a unique wedding dress. 

They also just surprised us a week before our wedding that they were adopting a 10-year-old. His name is Wesley Miller, is the quietest, well-mannered boy I have ever met, he had lost his parents in a rival fight a year back and had been in the foster care system for that amount of time but when my dad and Macie went to the shelter to help out, they saw him and fell in love, and that is how I have a brother now. Are family and friends have all came full circle maybe a few bumps in the road, but we are all happy, health, and most importantly we are all safe. I looked up and watched Travis from my rocking chair, he was putting the crib together and he looked up and smiled which I smiled right back at him thinking, isn't it funny where you find your love? In my case I fell for my dad's bestfriend. 

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