The Plan

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When we all sat down and was about to eat is when I looked up at everyone and saw them looking at me, am I walking weird? Do I have sex written all over my head? Do I...

L--"Damn you guys were loud" I heard a couple snickers from around the table and I was about to clam up, but I saw my dad was looking uncomfortable in this situation, I sat back in my chair and looked at him for a second then said,

G--"Damn your annoying" I heard a couple of small gasps,

L--"Listen you might be fucking my boss while he has a wife but you will not continue to talk to me like that, all I said was you were loud, which you were so what is the problem"

G--"Oh honey I am his wife" it was quiet and I saw everyone looked over at me in shock and I raised my hand up so they could see my ring, I mean damn I know we didn't have a lot of people at our wedding mostly just allies and not a lot of his men, all we had was a few men on the outskirts to watch over things,

G--"As for us being loud well get used to it because I didn't have a good honeymoon alright, sure the one day we had together was amazing but we kind of had explosions go off around us, we had a shipment go missing, and a big problem at the office so yes maybe we do still have some extra excitement coursing through our vain but we don't need you to bring it up because my father down there looks like he's about to throw up hearing about how loud her daughter was when his bestfriend was fucking her, do you got anything else to say?... no?... good then get out of the kitchen so I can finally have a meal after all the fun we had" he gets up in shock and leaves,

G--If anybody would like to disrespect me or my husband who is your Don then you can go and dad I am really sorry" I get up and pick up my plate then go out on the front porch and start eating my food. As I was eating I heard somebody sit down beside me and I look left and saw Travis sitting there starting to eat his food,

G--"You can go back in if you want"

T--"I am fine right here" we ate and the sat in silence just looking out in the yard, I can imagine our kid or kids running around,

G--"I am sorry how I have been acting to your men I just want to be treated equal to everyone else especially if it has to do with my safety"

T--"I think it was hot as hell when you speak your mind and I don't want you to change. In this world you kind of have to be like that but I don't want you too change at all, okay? You have to promise me." I look over at him and see him holding a glass of alcohol and I nodded my head and said,

G--"Okay, I promise"

T--"Okay now my beautiful wife let's go call an early meeting" he got up holding out a hand for me to hold which I take standing up from where I was sitting and we start walking in the house where I see everybody sitting, chatting with each other watching some sport that I could care less about. I look up at Travis and I see him with kind of a mad look on his face and I squeezed his hand which caused him to look down at me and when I looked away, I said loudly,

G--"Meeting has been moved up boys" they looked at me and I saw the lane or whatever his name is shake his head and I simply walked past my dad quickly grabbing his gun out of the back of his pants and cock it aiming it at the smug prick that likes to make my day horrible,

G--"I am really getting sick and tired of how you treat me, so I will give you to the count of three to get up and get your ass in the conference room or I will shoot you for you troubles you have caused me" he looked at me without a care in the world,

G--"1... 2..."

L--"You don't have the balls to pull the trigger"

G--"...3" I aimed to the left on his left shoulder, aimed, and fired.

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