Back To Reality Pt.2

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We had just landed at the airport, and I looked out of the window, and I see two black SUV cars pull up and I unbuckle my seatbelt and go passed the sluty girl that work for Travis on the jet which I will talk to him about just not right now.

We wait until they drag the guy off of the jet he wouldn't say anything to Travis when he was interrogating him so Travis got mad and punched him a couple times and then he passed out again which is why it to two guys to get him off of the jet, when they finally got him off we walked down the step and I was greeted by my dad and the girls and when I was close enough my dad pulled me into a hug, I looked left and I saw Macie hugging Travis which was surprisingly hugging her back,

C--"Are you okay honey, I was so worried about you"

G--"I am fine dad I promise, I might have sprung my wrist when we fell behind his car thinking it would protect us, but Travis then thought about the car two, so we took off running then the car blew up."

T--"Why didn't you tell me?"

G--"It started hurting a little on the jet but I didn't want to bother you while you were thinking about stuff and trying to get him to talk, I am fine I promise it is just a sprang" he walked up and looked at it, made me bend it, made me grip his hand because if it was broken I wouldn't be able to do that, he then pulled me in for a hug then kissed my forehead. When we pulled away from each other I realized that Cassidy isn't here.

G--"Were is Cas?"

M--" Umm yesterday me and your dad made it exclusive to just us, neither one of us wanted to hurt her, it's just too much with three of us so we all had a conversation that she didn't like, and she still hasn't talked to either of us" her and my dad had a sad look on their faces,

G--" I know it's sad about Cassidy, but I am glad you guys have each other" they smiled at me and then dad said,

C--" Well let's go come up with a plan to get this guy before he does something else incredibly stupid" we all walked to the car that was there for us and we all got in. On the ride to the house, I must have fallen asleep.


I was walking around the kitchen wearing a beautiful yellow and white dress cutting up fruit the I walked to thin stair calling for Travis to come down and eat but what caught my attention in the hall mirror I was pregnant at least six - seven month along.

When I saw him walk down the stairs in his all-black suit talking to somebody on the phone,

T--"No you will not have here she is my wife, not you pleasure toy... where are you... no you can't be" he looked down at me and yelled Grace really loud and just like that I was hit in the bad of the head with something that made me pass out.

Nightmare over:

I suddenly jolted awake from my nightmare to see Travis saying my name above me looking worried and I look around and I realized that I must have had said something really bad when I worried them all,

T--"Are you okay?"

G--"Yea, just a bad dream"

T--"It is worse than a bad dream, it was a nightmare" he looked away from me and I looked up and saw us pulling up in front of our house and I look over and see him just staring out the window,

G--"Travis? What's wrong?" He didn't say anything, and I look up to the front of the car where Macie and my dad sat before asking,

G--"Do you guys' mind leaving us alone for a second, oh and make sure to take the guy to the cells"

C--"Spoken like a true Mafia ruler" my dad smile then got out of the car as well as Macie.

T--"I should have been paying more attention, but damn I have been unhappy most of my life and I just wanted a couple of days with my now wife and he has to go and screw it all up"

G--"Trav, this isn't your fault, it's this guy's fault. He is the one that had everything blew up, he is the one that wants me to suffer, and he is the one that is ruining everything so don't for a second think it is your fault, okay?" He didn't say anything just opened up the door getting out before reaching his hand back in to help me out. We both walk into the house, and we were met with about 15 men in our living room,

T--"I have to go have this meeting, I'll be back soon" he went to walk away but I gripped onto his hand tighter making him turn back around to look at me,



G--"No you are not doing this alone. I am going to be in there for that meeting, he us after me so if anybody or whoever is willing to sacrifice their lives to save mine, I am going to help with this meeting, okay?"

T--"Little one, they aren't really understanding when women are in these meetings, I even have to keep my sister out of them because they are ride to her and I have had to kill men because of it" I smile them walk over to Macie and loop arms with her and we walk to the meeting room I sit to the right of his seat and her beside me, really she was supposed to be sitting on the left side but I told her I needed her to sit beside me. We waited for a few seconds then men started to full the very large table then in he walks I can tell he is in business mode, so I don't say anything.

I sat there for five minutes that is all and the stares are getting mine as well as Macie nerves and that is when a man midway down the table decided to say while everyone brainstormed and looked over papers,

Lane--"Why are they in here?" Travis answered without looking up from his papers,

T--"Because Lane they are"

L--"They shouldn't be in here, they don't belong"

T--"That is enough" everybody was quiet just staring at me and Macie,

L--"Why are they in here boss, they really don't have a say here" that set me off I stood up gaining everyone's attention,

G--"Is that right?"

L--"Yes you don't belong here, and Macie too" I can see Travis and dad about to get up, but I held up my hand which they say back down leaning back and watched me closely. I put both of my hand flat against the table to support me as I lean in a little to make me look even more serious than I already am,

G--"I am going to tell you this once, you are the one that is not really needed in this room right now, I am most definitely needed here because for your information this isn't an attack on the mafia, it is an attack on me. The person responsible for taking me and my mother when I was young and killing her is now after me so yes I am needed in this room so if your man ego is to hurt that I am here than man up bitch because I am staying... or if you would like you can gladly leave, since we have more important things to do right now then here your idiotic comments" he leaned back and sealed him lips and I sit down breathing hard.

I looked up and saw everyone looking at me shocked and I am suddenly uncomfortable due to lack of confidence all of the sudden. I looked over at my dad and saw him looking at me with pride, then I looked over at Travis hoping that he isn't mad and what I saw doesn't make me said in the slightest, he looked so proud and the love he had for me shown for all the world to see.

T--"That is enough for today we are having a meeting tomorrow at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, anyone shows up a minute later you won't be walking out" everybody walked out, and I looked over at Macie,

M--"Well I think we are welcome now" I giggle, and she gets up, so does my dad,

C--"Bye honey, I love you and see you at dinner" they both walk out, and I was then left in silence with Travis who was looking at me,

T--"Let's go get some rest Angel, it has been one hell of a long day" I nodded my head and followed him up to his bedroom... well our bedroom now.

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