Birthday Pt. 1

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I wake up the next day and I find when I looked over at my nightstand that I had slept in on a workday, I quickly get up off my bed at the same time my two best friends burst through my door and they both yell 

C/M--"Happy Birthday!!!" 

G--"Thank you but I am late for work" 

M--"You are off today" 

G--"Macie I am not, I work Monday- Friday off the weekends" 

M--"Don't you forget that your boss is my brother"

G--"You didn't beg him to give me today off, did you?" 

M--"No he just told me to tell you here is your first paycheck early and to get you something nice to wear because me, you, Cassidy, Travis, and your dad are all going out to Travis's club tonight of dancing." I nod and say, 

G--"Okay let me go get dressed, get something to eat, and then we can leave to go to the mall" I they both sat down patiently waiting I just shook my head and smiled walking to my closet, and I grab my leggings, Bon Jovi T-shirt, and my Nikes putting all of it on throwing my hair in a loose ponytail and I walk out of the closet and see them talking about how excited they are about tonight, I grab my purse and my phone and start walking towards the door and they have yet to notice me so I said, 

G--"Girls are you going to just sit there all day or are you going come down and eat breakfast?" they both jumped up and followed after me still talking about different stuff like nails, hair, makeup, and dresses. I made my way down the stairs and acrossed the living room to the kitchen when I opened up the door there was a lot of food on the table, I look up and see that my dad and Travis are still cooking food, 

G--"You guys know that there is enough to eat right?" dad sat down his spoon and walks over to me and hugs me saying happy birthday to me before walking back to the stove, 

C--"Sit down" me and the girls all walk over to the table and sit down, 

T--"Happy Birthday Gray" 

G--"T-thank you Mr. Briggs" 

M--"You still call him that" I just nod my head and she knew why I call him that, 

M--"I don't know why you just don't-" I stop her by putting a piece of bacon in her mouth, I then look up and see him still looking at me and I blush looking down at my clear plate. As soon as we eat me and the girls all go down to the valet and I want to show them my Bugatti, so I will drive my Maclaren to work Monday. 

Worker--"Same car ma'am?" 

G--"Yes please" next thing we know my Bugatti drives around and the girls look at me shock as I was about to get in and the girls also Cassidy ask me, 

C--"Who go this for you?" I cleared my throat and opened my door lowering myself in it while also saying, 

G--"Her brother" they both got in buckled up then looked at me, 

M--"My brother?" 

G--"Yes as a birthday gift, why do you sound surprised, does he not get you cars?" 

M--"Yes he gets me a new one every year, but this seems weird for him, he just doesn't buy cars for just anyone" 

G--"He has known me for 10 years, it's not that weird" 

M--"He had known me for my whole life, and he just started the car thing 5 years ago" I just shrug my shoulders and take off, he did it just to be kind no other reason. We arrive at the mall, and we immediately got our nails done, I got black and red ombre nails in a matt finish, Cassidy got a neon yellow with a glossy finish, while Macie got white nails in a matt finish as well. our next stop was the hairdressers and while the girls got their hair trimmed and re-died, I stayed with my length but went a couple shades dark with my hair color. When we were done with that, we then went to the plus size dress store to look for me a dress, when I walked in the girls started to show me different dresses which I said no to all of them, that was until I look up and see this beautiful dress on the rack, it is red, the whole dress was sparkles, with three courters sleeves, I went up to it grabbing it before walking to the dressing rooms. When I put the dress on it made me feel beautiful, it reached mid-knee in length which was perfect, I walked out of the dressing room finding not only my friends but my dad and Travis, I blush looking down when I felt all eyes go to me, 

C--"That is a yes for me"

M--"Yes for me also, how about you Mr. Miller and Travis, you like it?" 

C--"Yes, it is beautiful and at least it is longer than some of the options you guys had in your hands when we walked in" I smiled at my dad and let out a small giggle, but I stopped when I heard the deep, rough voice of Travis, 

T--"I think you look wonderful; I also like what you did with your hair" I looked up with a surprised face, he noticed? I cleared my throat and said,

G--"Thank you, I am going to go head and change" they all nodded their heads. After I got done, we paid and then we all left the mall and went towards mine and my dad's house since we only have about 2 hours before we had to be at the restaurant. When we got back there, we all went to get ready well except Travis, he had to go to his house to get ready. When I was up in my room and started to get ready, I went with natural makeup, I then put my dress on so it wouldn't mess my hair up, then walked back out and saw the girl already ready since they had done their makeup before they even came to my house this morning,

G--"Can one of you do my hair please?" they have the wand curling iron and I want that kind on hair style,

C--"Yes I call dibs on doing it" she jumps up and down in excitement and I sit in my desk chair, and she grabs a long stick thing, 

G--"What is that?" 

C--"A type of curling iron, it's called a wand"

G--"You know it won't work, my hair sucks when it comes to curling it" she just ignored me and started to do my hair. When it was done my hair looked beautiful and I am glad I let her do it for me. I then walk to my closet grabbing my heels slipping them on real fast the grabbed my clutch then left my room with the girls following me, once I get down the stairs I look up when I feel somebody looking at me and I find a very sexy Travis with his regular black slacks on, black button up shirt with a few buttons unbuttoned to show off his tattoos on his chest, when I look up to look at his face I see him already looking at me with a smirk on his face and I felt my face light up like a Christmas tree thinking.... well damn, I have been caught.  

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