Alone Time 18+

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The next day I woke up very well rested and I got up and got dressed in some leggings and a t-shirt then threw my hair in a messy bun before walking out of the room I was staying in and I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen and saw that nobody was awake yet, so I went over to the fridge to see a note on the fridge saying,

To Grace,

I'm sorry to have to do this, but we were all called away on business there was some kind of money issue at only 5 o'clock this morning. We probably won't be back until late, but we are going to try and make it in time for dinner. I love you and we all will see you when we get home.

Love, Dad

I sighed grabbing something quick to eat before sitting down on the couch eating it really quick. I then looked around and saw how dirty the house was and I decided to help the cleaning crew a little bit before they get here. So, I stood up and started to clean first I went from room to room in this order; kitchen, living room, game room, pool, laundry room, did everybody laundry, I cleaned up in the girls and my dad's room but didn't dare step foot into Travis's room, I went into the game room, and then I did all of the bathrooms last since nobody ever wants to clean the bathrooms and then I looked up and saw the whole house was spotless and I sighed looking over at the clock on the wall seeing it is just now 1 o'clock which is right before the cleaning crew arrived. I apologies from taking a day's work away from the cleaning crew but told them they would still get something in return and that they could have the rest of the day off.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a plate from the cabinets before walking over to the fridge grabbing the turkey lunch meat, lettuce, tomatoes, onion, and mayonnaise. I quickly chopped up the tomatoes and onions before starting to assemble my sandwich. Once I was done and put all of the stuff up and grabbing a drink, I walked over to the couch sitting my water and plate down then walked over to grab the remote and a blanket before resuming my position on the couch. Before I knew it, I was done with my food and drink and took it in the kitchen before finishing watching the underworld movies, and then I figured out there were more and so I watched the next one. In the middle of the third movie, I must have dozed off. I was shaken awake by the cook asking me,

Cook--"What would you like for dinner ma'am?" I thought about it for a second then said,

G--"Can we have steak, a potato, and some vegetables?"

Cook--"You may have whatever you want ma'am, and that sound wonderful I might even have to make one for myself"

G--"You defiantly should, and I think I am going to nap a little longer if that is, okay?" the elderly lady smiled big and nodded her head and walked off. Next thing I know is I am being woke up again and this time when I opened up my eyes it is Travis and Macie standing over me,

T--"Hey Gray wake up and come eat with us, your dad and Cassidy are in the dining room already" I nodded my head and sat up on the couch rubbing my face before standing walking with Travis and Macie into the dining room I sat down in my usual spot and waited for the food to be brought out and when it was we all said thank you and then dug into our food, I noticed that I was starting to fall asleep that was until Travis said,

T--"Grace are you feeling sick?" I raised my head and asked him,

G--"What do you mean?"

T--"You were asleep when we got home, and now you are falling asleep while eating"

G--"Oh, sorry, I guess that will happen when somebody cleans the entire house by themselves" I look back down at my plate and start to eat again. It was quiet for a few minutes you could only hear the knives and forks on the plates that was until Travis said,

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