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What I saw made me want to go live under a rock, vomit, violated, and pass out from my anxiety being too high. Three guys jerking off to the one time we did something in the office and almost got caught by my dad and they also were replaying the one where I was just in the office with him.

I quickly took my phone out turning it on silent then snapping a quick picture before rushing out. I heard them calling after me, but I kept running when I got to the elevator it was about to close since somebody had just off of it, I quickly ran in it before it closed pushing the button to the top floor and the close button and it closed just in time before the three of them got on with me.

Half way up I was about to have an anxiety attack, I was short of breath, I felt like I was going to vomit, and tears were rolling down my face, thankfully the elevator dinged on the top floor. I quickly rush past the couple of people that were on the floor ignoring their questioning or judgmental looks and quickly made it to Travis's office and when I opened it and rushed in slamming the door closed before locking it resting my head against the door,

T--"Grace?" I jumped turning around seeing him close to me,

T--"Hey what is the matter?"

G--"Do you have cameras in here?"

T--"I used to, but I had them shut down a while ago, why?"

G--"Look at this" I pulled up the picture still breathing hard and tears running down my face. With shaking hands, I handed my phone to him and when he saw what he was looking at his face got murderous, and he clenched his hand. I slid down the door sitting against it on the floor thinking of what to say,

G--"I am so sorry Travis; I didn't mean to cause you this trouble I should have controlled myself better than I did, and we wouldn't be having this discussion or problem"

T--"One don't ever say you're sorry about the stuff we do together, two we are engaged so we can do what ever the fuck we want, and three I am going to kill them with my bare hands so let's go princess" he helped me up and quickly went over and grabbed his phone before calling somebody while intertwining our fingers together and he unlocked the door walking to the elevator and when we were about to press the button the elevator door dinged then opened and what shocked me was that one of the men I saw was on there,

T--"I ask you this once, where are your buddies Richard"

R--"Sir they are in the computer lab"

T--"Take me there now"

R--"Yes sir" we were now riding the elevator down to their floor and I was standing far away from the creep standing so close to Travis that you couldn't even fit a dime in between us,

T--"Princess are you alright?"

G--"I-I t-think so" I really am not I feel so violated right now, he pulled out his phone and called somebody,

T--"Hey Caleb can you have somebody take the cameras down in my office... no I don't need any replacement ones... I just have some issues with my crew spying on me that is all... they aren't going to be brought back to the compound but only I will be in contact with them... thank you." He ended the phone call and the looked back down at me and kiss my forehead. We finally step off and we heard from the back,

N--"Did you find the fat slut yet?" Damn, that hurt. We kept walking me still on the opposite sides of the creepy guy with Travis's arm wrapped around me which keeps getting tighter as we walked closer to the computer lab. When we finally reached Travis said,

T--"Nolan I think its best if you shut up because right now you are disrespecting my fiancé, my assistant, your queen, also not to mention she is Caleb's daughter" they three guys faces pale, Travis looks up and walks closer and looks at the videos of us on repeat his hold on me tightened and I look up and see that his jaw is clenched tightly.

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