Arriving At the Destination

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I had fell asleep on the way to our destination which I have yet to figure out by the way. I opened up my eyes and I see that everybody was asleep well all but Travis, which he was already looking at me, I quickly look away and out my window but what he said brought my attention back on him. 

T--"Can you send me all the work that I missed at the office?" 

G--"Sure" I said already looking down at my tote bag reaching for my laptop that I had added to my bag last minute and sent everything he had missed which was pretty much only meetings with some different people, I did everything else for him in his absence. I close my laptop and put it back in its rightful place then looked back out the window, until he once again talked to me, 

T--"This is all I missed?" I sighed and looked at him before saying, 

G--"Yes Mr. Briggs that is it" it was quiet for a second until he said, 

T--"I know there must be more why are you not sending it to me?" 

G--"Because there is none, I took care of everything" 

T--"Damn it..." I heard him say under his breath

T--"Gray you didn't have to do that all by yourself" 

G--"I did, it's my job" I looked at my dad who is stirring in his seat and I quickly put my earbuds back in and looking out the window. Next thing I know I am being touched on the shoulder by the flight attendant, I quickly took my earbuds out to listen to her, she told me put my stuff up and buckle up so we can land. Once we landed the girls yelled out Greece, well guess that is where we are going. I grabbed my tote bag and started to walk off the jet and into one of the two cars that were waiting on us. It ended up being me and Travis yet again in the car, in the quiet while the driver drove us to what I am assuming is the hotel which very shortly found out that I was wrong we pulled up at a mansion sized house which I instantly knew that it was Travis's since it is very similar to the one back home, just this one has a Greece look about it. Greece was beautiful, well as much as I have seen of it while driving here. Once we pulled up to the front of the place, we both got out of the car and grabbed our stuff, and we walked up to the door and walked in after he unlocked it for us, and I instantly felt my mouth drop open. 

T--"Grace you father just informed me that they will be a little late, somebody is messing with my stocks at the company I own here, and they are going to try and fix it fast" I nod my head and he said, 

T--"I will have one of my workers take your stuff up to your room, but right now I am going to cook all of us something to eat" I nod my head and grab my laptop out of my tote bag and follow after him and once we made it to the kitchen and I looked at the whole place I sat down at one of the island stools. I opened up my laptop and started working since I have nothing else to do. About 10 minutes later he turned around and looked at me, 

T--"Why haven't you talked to me much?" 

G--"I have nothing to say" I continued typing, I am already almost done with the work I had to do on my first day back from vacation, 

T--"Is it about our night?" I blushed and I didn't say anything, 

T--"Talk to me Gray" I sighed and shut my laptop a little harder than I meant to,

G--"You left" he looked at me confused until I said, 

G--"If you didn't think I noticed that I am not you type, I am not the skinny, blond hair, blue eyed girl. I know that I wasn't groomed down there. I know that I have brown hair, short, and fat. I know that you realized the next morning that you had made a mistake, so can we forget about it?" I didn't wait around for an answer and stormed out of the kitchen and up the stair and was met with a worker, 

G--"Can you please show me to my room? My name is Grace" she nodded and gave me a smile and lead me to a room at the end of the hallway to the left and I walk in and immediately lay down on my bed and suddenly out of nowhere I felt tears fall down my face. I cried until I fell asleep. I was woken up by the housekeeper women that helped me to my room, 

Housekeeper--"Honey dinner is done, and they are requesting you come down" 

G--"Can you tell them I am fine?" 

Housekeeper--"They are very serious about you coming down honey and I don't really want to lose my job today" I sighed and got out of my bed, and she looked at me with... sympathy? I just shook my head and took my hair down and fixed my bun a little since it was falling out from sleeping and then wiped my face with my hands and then walked right beside the housekeeper. Once we made it in there I sat down and looked at the plate of food and began eating since they were all talking anyways then it suddenly got very quiet on the girl's part, and I looked up fully and see them looking at me with confusion written all over their faces Mace then asked me in my ear, 

M--"Why were you crying?" 

G--"I wasn't" 

M--"Here look in my phone camera" she handed me her phone and I looked at myself and see that my face was puffy, my eyes were red, and it literally looked like I had tear tracks down my face. I rolled my eyes at how ridiculous I look. I look up and asked the women that woke me up if she would mind grabbing me a water from the kitchen, I usually don't like others for help, but I felt drained. I looked down at my plate and saw that I only had a little piece of chicken left and a bite of noodles, so I quickly finished it and leaned back against the chair and then I heard my dad say, 

C--"Honey why have you been crying?" I closed my eyes for a second and sighed, 

G--"Nothing dad, I am fine" the women that I really need to learn her name came back with a glass of ice water, 

C--"You know you could tell me anything right?" 

G--"Yeah, I really don't want to tell you this, really, I am fine" I smiled as I took a drink, but I almost spit it out when I felt a hand touch my thigh, I looked down and saw the tattooed hand that was pleasuring me just a week ago, I swallowed my drink and reached down to try and peel his hand away from my thigh and the key word there was try, he kept his hand there with a little pressure just enough to hold in a moan. I then looked up and saw my dad get up and say, 

C--"I am going to head up and take a shower" I nod and say a quick night love you before he left, I felt Travis relieve some of the pressure, 

M--"Do you want to have a girl's night?" 

G--"I kind of want to just go to bed tonight but can we have one tomorrow?" they both nod and Cassidy said, 

C--"Okay well I am going to bed, night guys" 

M--"Me too, see you guys in the morning"

G--"Night guys see you in the morning" they left the dining room and I tried to get up from my seat put he put the pressure he had once had on my thigh back on it keeping me sitting there, 

T--"Why were you crying" 

G--"I don't know, I guess I was finally coming to terms with something" I shook my head 

T--"What kind of terms" I stayed quiet for a while but finally gaining the courage to look at him and say, 

G--"That you would never like me, I'm just not the girl that gets asked out, I'm the girl that is just pretty enough to date or fuck, I am the girl that is the experiment to try out if the guys like a little fat, I am the kind of girl that never gets the guy she wants because of how she looks" he didn't say anything so I decide to say, 

G--"Now please let me go so I can go to sleep" he let go and I get up from the table but was stopped in my tracks when he asked me, 

T--"You like me?"

G--"I guess you'll never know" with that being said, I walked out of the dining room and up the stairs to my room I was staying in for the time being and got back into my bed and instantly fell asleep for the rest of the night. 

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