Wedding Day Preperations

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I was woken up by the sun going directly acrossed my face. I stretched rolling to my side and when I opened up my eyes, I see Travis sitting there with a cup of steaming hot coffee in his hands watching me with a big smile on his face which I gladly replied to him with the same big smile on my face but when I remembered what today stress was came over me and I groan rolling over saying stuff like,

G--"What if I trip and fall? What if I make a fool of you? What if people act weird because of the colors of our wedding?" What if my dad is still a little mad and he doesn't come to walk me down the isle? What if after our wedding you don't like me enough to have sex with me more than once?" He cut me off by saying,

T--"Nothing is going to change how I feel about you, your dad is going to show, and as for all the little crazy thing that might happen they are not. We are going to have a wonderful wedding, you here me?" I nodded and smiled up at him still laying beside him, he sat his coffee down quickly pushing me on my back straddling me and right as he was about to kiss me when the door burst open and I heard girls squealing by the door

M--"Get out, your not supposed to stay with your fiance the night before or see her before the wedding" he got off me and said,

T--"I just couldn't resist" he kissed my head and said

T--"Well soon to be wife I am going to go get ready" I nodded and said,

G--"I'll be the one in black!" He chuckled and walked out of the room. I get up and slip the silk rob on my body before going to the bathroom doing my usual routine then stepping out refreshed and saw that the girls had set up a couple of stations and I sighed I am excited but nervous at the same time. I walked over to the one station that had the hair utensils at it and sat down letting the girls do there thing. I ended up having my hair in an updo. I then moved onto the makeup. As they were doing it I started playing with my ring,

M--"Grace are you okay?"

G--"Yes just nervous that he will get tired of me eventually and find somebody with blond hair, blue eyes, and body like a model. I know he said that he says things will never change but what if they do?"

C--"Sweetie we have seen you with him, even when you guys were in secret and you weren't looking at him just incase you were to get caught, we caught the longing looks he threw at you when he thought nobody was looking."

M--"Grace my brother has bad reputation, he has never wanted to settle down with anyone until you finally let him in, now he's hooked"

G--"If that is what you think, but he kind of had too ge was in a contract to do so"

M--"Sweetie my brother has enough power to get out of it if he wanted to, that is why your dad was mad in the first place" she gave me a smile which I returned to thank her for making me feel ten times better,

C--"Now before I put your lipstick on, please eat a little something so you don't pass out at your wedding" I smile and nodded. They gave me a fruit bowl and we talked while I ate my fruit. When I was done eating the fruit I sat the bowl down I let them finish the last touches with my makeup, when they were finally finished I got up and walked into my closet seeing that he already packed his suitcase which all he told me was it was warm were we are going!

I pick up my suitcase and started packing enough for two days and an outfit for the trip home. When I was finished zipping my suitcase I quickly walk over to my bra section and grab a red lacey strapless bra and red lacey underwear, I took my rob off quickly putting the matching pair on then looked out of the closet and called the girl to help me into my wedding dress. They unzipped the dress bag and I gasped still in awe of the beautiful dress they also did since it was the first time seeing it!

They quickly took the dress off the hanger and unzipped the dress laying it nicely on the floor so it wouldn't get wrinkled. I had already put my heels on so I am kind of nervous that I am going to fall but I push that aside and step into it with the help of the girls. When they were pulling it up my body and I just happen to look up at the clock.


M,C--"What?" they said surprised still working on my dress,

G--"We have 10 minutes"

C--"Girl don't stress we finished putting your dress on" I should have picked a zip dress rather than one that has a million buttons. Macie then walked out and grabbed my vail putting it on and I turned to the mirror and my eyes started to water.

C--"No, no, none of that crying stuff, you can't ruin your makeup before the wedding" I laugh and nod quickly thinking about something that makes me incredibly happy... Travis. I was brought out of my thoughts by a knock on the door and I smile when I heard my dad's voice,

C--"Hi honey" he walked up and hugged me and I was about to reply when he pulled back and said,

C--"You look absolutely stunning and I love the black dress it was definitely a great choice to make" I smile,

G--"Thank you dad, I love you, and thank you for coming, I know we have been through a lot the last month but I am so glad that you will be the one walking me down the isle" I said with a smile,

C--"I wouldn't miss this for the world but it is quite strange that I am walking my daughter down the isle and I am the best man" we started to laugh then I stopped saying,

G--"Well we are already a minute late we better not keep him sweating for too long he might think I am a runaway bride" we shared one more laugh, then everybody got serious, well they got serious while I was beyond nervous as we started to make our way down the stairs and to the back yard where my waiting groom was standing waiting on me to say, "I do."

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