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I wake up the next morning and see a text saying,

Unknown--"What is it like to get in a fight with daddy dearest, and who will you pick your dad or your one true love?" The text brought back what happened yesterday,


Me and Travis were laughing when we were coming back through the front door of the house and when we go in I immediately grin,

G--"Hey your back?"

C--"Yes, where were you" my father asked coldly which made me look back at him in confusion,

G--"I was at work but then Travis saw what state I was in and took me dress shopping"

C--"What state were you in?"

M--"Wedding dress shopping?" I got a question from both my dad and Macie,

G--"I was sad because you guys weren't here to help me get my dress picked out for my wedding"

C--"You did that without us?" this time Cassidy spoke up and asked me,

G--"Yes because you guys weren't leaving me much time to get my dress and if I needed it altered before the wedding sometimes it takes three to five weeks to alter a dress which I only have three until my wedding" my dad decides to speak up just enough for us to hear him saying something but not actually understanding it,

G--"What was that?"

C--"It's not like it's going to be a real wedding or marriage anyways" I stepped back feeling like I was getting sucker punched in the stomach,

T--"Caleb come on man"

G--"No let him continue because if he is saying that his only daughter is getting married to his best friend is fake well let's just get it all out in the open, shall we?"

T--"Grace..." I looked over at Travis and immediately calmed a little then looked over at my dad,

G--"I have liked your best friend since I was sixteen years old, even though I have liked him for that long never in my wildest dream would I think I am going to be married to any man like him, I never thought I was pretty enough, smart enough, skinny enough but here I am having the opportunity to marry him a man that treats me well and now you're not happy for me, dad you agreed and signed the damn papers for the marriage" he looked like he was about to blow a gasket,

C--"You have liked him for four or five years?  That is disgusting" I was pissed and hurt.

G--"So you think having an age gap is disgusting when you are dating or just fucking your daughters only two best friends which may I add that you also have an age gap so tell me the truth dad what is really bothering you?" everybody was looking at me in shock,

C--"Honey when did you find out?"

G--"That is all you have to say, not the reason why you kept it from me, not I am sorry, I am happy that for once you feel happy to wake up and see somebody that is special to you, dad you might not see it but you are doing the same thing to me as I am to you but look at me I gave gotten past it and for your information I found out a while ago before our vacation" with that I walked up the stairs and into my room sitting my boxes down on my clothes chest at the end of my bed then quickly changing into comfy clothes then laying in my bed thinking over everything that just happened until I eventually went to sleep

Present morning:

I looked back down at the text then sighed getting up about to walk to the bathroom for a shower when I heard a knock on my door and when I was about to walk and open it Travis had already walking through and closing the door,

T--"Do you mind me coming in here now?"

G--"I hadn't minded you coming in here last night" I smiled which he copied,

G--"I am going to use the bathroom and then I will be right back out" he nodded before walking towards my bed sitting on it. After I was done in the bathroom, I walked out and over to him sitting beside him on the bed. I was looking down at my lap where I was sitting with my legs crossed play with a string that had come loose from my pajama pants and said without looking up,

G--"I know that you don't love me, but do you think it's weird that I have pretty much done that since I was 16 years old?" It was quiet for a while and I felt the bed shift and I thought he was going to get up from the bed but instead he cupped my chin in one of his muscular tattooed hands bringing me to meet his eyes,

T--"I don't think any less of you in fact there is so many great things about you that I love that I don't think it will take too much longer to say that phrase right back to you, and as for liking me since you were 16 years old everybody at that age likes somebody older than then whether it being a celebrity, neighbor, a random person on the street, so no it doesn't bother me in fact I am flattered" I smiled and looked back down for a second,

G--"W-where is my dad?"

T--"I am not sure, the girls have been cuddled up on the couch crying and he stormed out in tears but pissed at the same time" I looked back up at him then at my phone, I reached and picked it up clicking on my messages, pulling up the messages, then showed him my phone. After he was done, he was clenching my phone in his hand and his jaw was clenched so hard that it will shatter at any moment and what he said left me speechless,

T--"We must move the wedding up and figure where they see our private stuff at, the fight was in the Livingroom we will start there" he was about to get off my bed and I was still on the bed mouth hung open in shock, he turns around,

T--"What's wrong?"

G--"You want to move it up, how much we only had three weeks until the wedding anyways"

T--"We will be married next Sunday" I looked at him in shock that is only a week away.

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