Back to Reality Pt. 1 18+

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I woke up with my head being on Travis's chest, my legs intertwined with his, well let's just say pretty much my whole body was on his so I decided to try and get some of it off of him but that didn't work he just pulled me even closer of that was even possible.

T--"Please don't move our honeymoon was already cut short I don't want the cuddling to be ended this early in the morning" I stayed still knowing where he is coming from,

G--"I have a question"

T--"Me too"

G--"You go ahead"

T--"How are you feeling?" I know if he is asking if I am sore,

G--"Very sore, we did end up having sex two more times yesterday after your kitchen sexy time that you wanted, and let's not forget that I have discovered that I like a little spanking action during sex, so I am sore, I don't even know how many orgasms I have had in the last day and a half"


G--"Don't you even say a number like you have kept track"

T--"I have but I will not tease you this early in the morning" I sigh and relax into him,

T--"I think around 7, am I right"

G--"All I know is, you have had more than me, don't think I didn't hear you in the middle of the night last night and yesterday morning, and I even bet if I didn't wake up when I did you would have another added to the list"

T--"Listen I can't help it when you are laying naked pressed up against me, the way your bare breast are pressed against my chest right now, the way that your pussy it very close to touching my leg, our how your breath feels against my chest, or the way that I am laying against your scratch marks on my back from your nails making me feel the pleasure all over again" I clenched my thighs and cleared my throat clearly turned on.

G--"You liked it when my nails accidentally scratches you?"

T--"You like spanking, and I like that, I guess we both have a kink" I chuckled,

G--"That is a weird kink"

T--"Very but I can't help it. I guess it is because I can feel how much pleasure I am causing you"

G--"You should never doubt how much pleasure you cause me it is written all over me, all of the time. Now let's get up and get ready to go back home" he nods getting up and he was putting on new clothes and I looked at the shirt I wore yesterday and I looked up and saw him looking at me,

G--"Can I wear one of your shirts, after I get out of the shower to wear home?"

T--"Yes you can baby girl, here take this one" it was a black t-shirt, I smile at him then walked to the bathroom quickly getting in the shower, taking a quick one so we wouldn't be late for our jet home. Once out I dried my hair with a towel until it wasn't dripping anymore and then moved down my body until I was dry then I walked out of the bathroom with the towel slightly still around me.

When I reached the bed I see my suitcase was sitting on the bed and beside it I see Travis sitting on the bed leaning against the headboard with his eyes closed and hand folded behind his head to provide him comfort. As soon as he heard me by the bed he opened up his eyes and watched my every move. I picked up a pair of purple underwear, throwing the towel down so I could put them on and the. Came the matching purple bra and I said out loud,

G--"I hate bras with a passion"

T--"I like them better off of you too and on the floor" I looked over at him and saw him wink and smirk at me, I just shook my head not caring if he sees my blush, I quickly pick up the t-shirt he let me borrow putting it on, black leggings, and my while Nike shoes then quickly brushed my hair before putting the last of my stuff up and the zipped my luggage and grabbing my phone ready to head home.

T--"Well let's go baby girl, back to reality" he sighs and I smile at him saying,

G--"Why are you so sad, we can always come back"

T--"I know, it just you didn't want a long honeymoon in the first place because of some guy that is causing us problems, and the. I planned out a couple day honeymoon and it was also cut short" by the time he was done talking we were outside and standing by his car.

G--"Listen to me, we can always come back for a honeymoon, he'll if we want three honeymoons we will have three honeymoons nobody can stop us, now kept head back home and get things straightened out. Also I have had the best day and a half with you" right as we were about to kiss the furthest side of the house blew up and next thing I know is, I am picked up and pushed to the ground on the other side of the car when the second bomb went off from inside the garage,

T--"Shit come on baby, run" he got up pulling me with him and when we were halfway through the front yard he pulled my close to him and we ducked our heads when his car blew up next, I felt like I couldn't breathe, I couldn't hear anything, I felt like I was about to pass out when I was suddenly pulled into a kiss and then everything came back to me, when Travis pulled away he pulled his phone out I saw movement out of the corner of my eye from my left side and I quickly reach into the back of Travis's pants pulling out the gun handing it to Travis and I pointed to the guy that was now running,

T--"Shit" he raised his gun and shot at the guy and I really didn't want to look but I did and I see that he is still alive but on the ground trying to crawl away from us but Travis quickly walked towards him and punched him twice in the face knocking the guy out cold. Then Travis pulled out his phone then looking at me motioning for me to come to him which I do.

T--"Are you okay? Are you hurt in any way?" He asked me when I was close enough,

G--"No I don't think I am"

T--"Okay" he got on his phone and called somebody,

T--"Caleb, get a cell ready... we were attacked... they blew up half of the house, the garage, and my car, or any place where we would be at... no you don't need to come here...she is fine, and yes I am fine but we did get a guy who held the remote for the explosives and we will be there with him in a couple of ours... we will... I will tell her, bye"

T--"Your dad loves you and we will be heading to the airport very soon baby girl I promise" he calls somebody else after kissing me on the forehead,

T--"Yes, we need to have a car sent right away it is an emergency... car, house, garage blew up..." they continued to talk while I spaced out. I must have been really scared out because I jumped when ai felt somebody touch my back and I looked up to see Travis looking down at me with a sad look on his face,

G--"I am okay, I was just spaced out is all" I smiled and that is when I see them putting the guy who was still very much knocked out into the one car and then the other car had the door opened and we started walking to it. I climbed in scooting all the way over to the other side of the car and he slid in after me quickly grabbing my hand placing a kiss on it before we all made our way to the airport to finally get back home and deal with this problem of ours once and for all.

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