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The girls wanted to take a shopping trip today before I have to go back to work, and I agreed to go even though it wasn't my favorite things to do. I was getting dressed and I decided to dress up just a little bit and wear a sundress, a jean jacket, and some flats. I did natural make-up and brushed my hair; I walked out of my bathroom and grabbed my phone off of the bed looking at it to see if anybody had called or texted me since I was getting ready all morning and went down to breakfast without my phone, I see that an unknown number called me, but I just closed my phone not thinking anything of it. I walked out of my room and down the stairs and at the door waiting for me was Macie, Cassidy, and Travis which confused me, if I knew he was coming I wouldn't have worn a dress, he shouldn't see how I truly look in a sundress, anybody knows that for plus size women they make them stitched under the boobs and then flare out over your stomach which makes you nine months pregnant, I turned around about to go change when I hear, 

M--"Hey Grace where are you going?" I turned around and glance at Travis really quick but brought my line of sight back to Cassidy 

G--"I will be right back" I turned and then went quickly back into my room and took off my clothes and grabbed a flary top and some leggings, I then added my jacket back on before sliding my shoes on once more before making my way back to the stairs, I don't know why I made a big deal about it since he has seen all of me and has made me cum more than I could count I sigh thinking to myself that, that is how the mind works I guess. They all turned to me breaking from their conversations. Once I made it to them, they all looked at me weird thankfully when Travis finally said something the attention was off of me, 

T--"You will be riding with me Gray, while they take another car" I nodded my head, and we all walk out to our separate cars getting in before taking off. It was silent for ten or fifteen minutes when before he finally said something, 

T--"Why did you change from the dress when you saw me?" I looked over at him to answer him, 

G--"I just didn't feel like wearing it" I looked out of the window, 

T--"Don't lie to me baby girl" gosh how much I miss him calling me that when we aren't together alone, I looked over at him and say, 

G--"I just didn't feel like being in a sundress around you that is all" he looked at me for a second with a confused face on before turning back to the road, 

T--"Why? Have I made you uncomfortable in your body in anyway?" 

G--"What? No, no you haven't made me uncomfortable in my body" 

T--"Then why?" 

G--"I-I..." I stopped to try and think of a way to say it, 

G--"When fat women wear dresses like that, they tend to look pregnant in them and for some foolish reason I became self-conscious" he didn't say anything, so I continued, 

G--"Which is ridiculous since you have seen every inch of my body, made me finish more than I could count, and has never made me doubt myself. It is just a bad day for my self-esteem, I'll be fine, and next time we go out I will wear a sundress" 

T--"I get what you are saying, and next time we go out?" I know how that sounded and probably think I am pressing it, 

G--"I didn't mean it like that, we can keep it a secret however long we want, I didn't mean that I demand a date... sorry" 

T--"Baby girl, I plan to take you on a date very soon, and us being a secret won't last forever because as soon as you say let's tell your dad, I am all for that" I smile then lean my head back against the seat of the car seat and close my eyes. I was woken up by somebody, I open my eyes and I see Travis waking me up, 

T--"Good morning, Beautiful, we just made it to the mall" I nod and straighten in my seat and look outside the window and see my friends standing leaning against Cassidy's car I looked back over and say, 

G--"Damn I wanted to kiss you" he smirked then got out of the car, I opened up my car door and got out too. We all greeted each other and started to walk into the mall together and walk into different stores. After about our third store we were about to walk into Victoria Secret when Cassidy said, 

C--"Can we go in there really quick?" I immediately shook my head no because they never have my size, Travis is with us, and they are both screwing my dad but they don't know any of that so they were pretty excited to go in there, 

M--"Come on please? Travis can you break your rule of following us everywhere and let us go in alone so she is more comfortable?" he looked at me for a second then said, 

T--"I'm sorry girls I can't let her go unprotected, I know that you know how to fight and everything but what if three or more guys come, you need you Don now let's head in"

G--"I don't need to go in there, you girls go ahead and meet us by the plus size version of this, okay?" they sighed wanting to stay together but they nodded anyways and make their way in the store which we started to walk the opposite way to Torrid, once inside I walk around picking up a few things the eyes the underwear set side of the store, 

T--"Just go over there, remember what you said in the car I have already seen you and satisfied you which I plan on doing a lot more of" I blush but nodded going over picking some fancy stuff for a time together and some plain bras and underwear then headed to check out and when I saw the total I sigh and say, 

G--"Ma'am can you take off the three pairs of jeans and the one bra" she nodded picking the ones I said to but was topped when Travis said, 

T--"No, leave them on the bill"

G--"Mr. Briggs that is too much, I forgot that the jeans range from sixty to eighty dollars and bras are around thirty dollars, I still have quite a lot up there I am just trying to cut some of the cost, and I am paying for all of it, and I still haven't got my first paycheck"

T--"One I told you to call me Travis, two you are keeping all of the stuff you want, and three I am paying for your stuff so quite arguing, oh and last thing your paycheck is already in your account" I sighed knowing that I won't win this fight, after collecting my stuff we walk out just as the girls were about to walk in, 

G--"Are you girls ready to go since we have to go get ready for dinner?" they both nodded, and we all made our way to the cars and got in starting our journey back to the house to get ready for dinner with my dad. 

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