Fun Before The Plan 18+

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I woke up the next morning with my stomach growling and I blush when I feel Travis's whole body shake in laughter,

G--"Don't laugh, please"

T--"I apologize"

G--"You are the one that let me sleep all the way through the night without any dinner" it was quiet for a second, but he shortly continued,

T--"I couldn't bring myself to wake you up" I went to roll off of him but instead he pulled me even closer to him, I moved my head up to look up at him and I saw his eyes are closed so I kissed up his chest, all the way up until right below his neck and I finished off with a kiss on his Adam's apple making his whole body shiver with pleasure.

G--"Can I ask you a question?"


G--"What happened to your dominate kink in the bedroom?"

T--"What brings this up?"

G--"For some reason the conversation we had in the office just popped up in my head"

T--"Well I could ask you the same thing" I have a feeling I know what he is talking about,

G--"What do you mean?"

T--"I know and use the spanking kink but what about the spit kink you have"

G--"I don't know what you are talking about" he looks down at me and I quickly look away knowing exactly what he is talking about,

T--"You don't have to be embarrassed little one"

G--"Isn't that a weird kink?"

T--"Nothing about you would be weird, at least not to me, in my eyes you are perfect" I smile and look up and said,

G--"So what about yours?"

T--"I already use it" I think back, and I guess he does

G--"So your just not really strict"

T--"Exactly, to be honest I could care less about that, as long as you are satisfied and me too, I am fine with anything" I bite my lip looking up at him and said.

G--"Can I use my kink now?" He looked down at me and asked,

T--"What would you like to do?"

G--"I don't know"

T--"Okay get on all four" I nodded, and I felt him get behind me and I heard him spit and then he held his hand in front of my face and I spit on his hand as well. I looked back and see him rub his hands together and then smacked my left butt cheek and I moaned at the small sting on my bottom, and I instantly get wet,

G--" Travis I am about to cum at just the thought of you doing it again" he smacked my again but on the opposite cheek,

G--"Ohhh please. Please take me" and with that he plunged his cock in me and I felt the coolness of his piercings he sat there for a minute to let me get used to him since there was hardly any foreplay.

G--"Your piercings are cold" I moan out,

T--"Damn baby girl, am I good to move?" He leans over me bracing his arms on either side of my body,

G--"Yes move" he pulled back and pushed back in fast, hard, and deep just how I like it. This position is new to me when having sex, you can definitely feel everything better in this position.

My moaning started to pick up and I noticed that his groans are getting more frequent. Suddenly he pulls out and I was gently flipped over on my back, and he thrusted into back into me and found the right rhythm almost immediately.

G--"Travis I am close" I started to clench around him,

T--"Hold on baby girl just a little longer" his thrust were beyond sloppy, and I am sure if anybody was walking last our room right now was mortified due to my loud moans, his loud grunts, and the headboard,

T--"Open your mouth" right as I did, he spit in my mouth and that was the hottest things he has ever did to me, so hot that I finished, and he followed behind me. I swallowed and started to catch my breath, I felt his cum pump in me and when he was done, he didn't pull out just like the last quite a few times we have had sex and before I could overthink, he thrusted in me while lifting my legs on his shoulders and I started to freak out a little from how sensitive I am,

G--"Shiiit... Travis...sensitive" I said in between moans at his slow pumps.

G--"Ohhh" this felt different this felt like love. He kept going in a slow, deep pace.

G--"Yes, yes, yes" I chanted quietly, eyes closed, and I lifted my arms above my head gripping the sheets. Before I know it, I was chanting his name and cumming again and when I clenched around his member, and I heard him grunt loudly and cum once again. I laid there catching my breath and I ungripped the sheets above my head and opened my eyes to be met with an equally breathless Travis who had my legs on his shoulders still.



T--"Great way to wake up in the morning"

G--"Yes, it is"

T--"Ready for a shower"

G--"Yeah just give me a second" when I caught my breath I nodded and he helped me put my kegs once again on the bed and he pulled out of me before slowly getting up from the bed and held out his hand for me to take and he helped me into the bathroom,

G--"Are you taking a shower with me?"

T--"Yeah, I'll get the right temperature"

G--"Okay, I just need to use the bathroom" I smiled, and he nodded. When I was done peeing, I got in the shower, where that is all, we did. We go out and we dried off while I dried my hair, he brushed his teeth and then we switched before we both went to the closet and picked out an outfit for today than when we were finally done, we walk down and was greeted by everyone that was at the meeting, my dad, and Macie for breakfast. Ignoring them all I quickly walked over to the counter grabbed my plate, so did Travis and then we sat down.

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