Awake & News

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I slowly walk over to his bed, and he smiles at me, I smile back and bend down and kiss his dry full lips and when I pull back tears well up in my eyes, 

T--"No more of those tears okay, I have heard everything you said, and I wouldn't change anything I did, I would have done the same thing, now are you okay? And where is Don now?" Flashes of what I did popped in my head, and I clenched my eyes shut for a second when I opened them Travis was looking at me in confusion,

G--"I am fine I had a plan that didn't do well but I got out and am fine now"

T--"What happened to Don?" I looked at my dad and said, 

G--"I need to get the doctor he wanted to know when you decided to grace us with those handsome eyes again" I smile then got up and walked out of the door, when I heard the door closed, I closed my eyes and sighed. 

Nurse--"Miss are you okay?" I opened up my eyes and nodded smiling at her and said, 

G--"My husband Travis Briggs has been in a coma for 2 weeks and has finally woken up. Can you get a doctor?" 

Nurse--"Yes right away ma'am" that is when I heard Travis say loudly from inside the room, 

T--"She did what?" I turned and went back in and saw everybody looking at me, 

G--"You told him everything?" 

C--"Yes I kind of had to he might be my best friend and son- in- law but he is still my boss and can fire me" 

T--"Baby girl..." he was about to say something, but the doctor came in and he is a guy doctor, so I am still standoffish with him, so I moved on the opposite side of the bed and sit on the bed grabbing Travis's hand and I smile when he grips my hand back which he hasn't done in 2 weeks. 

Doctor--"How are you feeling Mr. Briggs?"

T--"I am feeling fine, all hut I am really sore"

Doctor--"That is to be expected in a 2-week coma patient, but I am more worried about your memory do you remember everything about each person in the room and everyone in its full name?"

T--"Macie Renee Briggs she is my younger sister, Caleb John Miller he is my best friend, also works for me, and is my father-in-law, now on to this beautiful girl holding my hand, she is my wife."

Doctor--"Very good but can you tell me her name?"

T--"Yes, Grace Riley Briggs, but her maiden name is Miller, she is 20 years old, she loves to read, she also love chocolate, she loves it when she sleeps on chest to make sure I am home and safe with her, she like it when she introduces me to new movies, she loves the beach, her favorite colors are black and red but also like to throw in some white, and on our wedding day she wore a black dress, as did I, enough information?" The doctor smiled and nodded his head,

Doctor--"Well let me check your vitals and if they are good I will leave and check on you later" he quickly did everything before leaving and I was still sitting there smiling,

M--"Damn brother do you even know my favorite color?" Everyone laughs and I look at him waiting for the answer,

T--"Your favorite color is blue and green you could never pick between the both of them, I know that you snuck out of the house three times to go to a party after mom said no, I know that you loved your hair when it had red in it, I know that you didn't really like to play sports in high school but you didn't want to disappoint mom, and lastly I know that you wanted to be a counselor when you were in high school which hardly anybody knew, satisfied?" She looked shocked and slowly nodded her head,

T--"You want me to do you too?" He asked my dad which just put his hand up in surrender shaking his head no, then I remembered,

G--"What time is it?"

C--"It is 2:00 pm, why?"

G--"I forgot I have an appointment today in 10 minutes"

C--"Grace you have missed the last two, please go to the doctor appointment"

G--"I am not leaving here right now he just woke up dad"

C--"Fine you won't go they are coming here"


C--"You need to be checked again" I sighed and nodded. He walked out and 10 minutes later he walked in with the doctor who is also Travis's doctor, I sigh and said,

G--"You should have just stayed here" I rolled my eyes and I looked at Travis who had a confused look on my face,

Doctor--"Yep, I should have, now please take you shirt off and turn around facing the wall so I can see the bruises with good lighting"

G--"Just remember no touching, okay?"

Doctor--"Yes I remember Mrs. Briggs" I nod and turn lifting my shirt to where is is dangling over my shoulders and I could feel everyone's eyes on me,

G--"How are they?"

Doctor--"Doing really well they should be gone very soon" I nod, and I slip my shirt back on and sit on the bed letting him look at my arm, then looked at my face where I had a busted lip, and it ends up I had a broken nose as well, but it didn't hurt anymore.

Doctor--"Okay Mrs. Briggs you are no longer a patient of mine" I nod with a smile, and he was about to walk out when he asks,

Doctor--"Mr. Miller who needs an ultrasound?" I glared at my father but raised my hand and he nods his hand and called out saying he needs a female nurse and ultrasound. They wheeled a machine in, and I laid back beside Travis and I still haven't looked at him since the doctor examined me.

Nurse--"This is going to be very cold" I nod my head and she continued with putting the jelly on me and then moved the wand on my belly and she pointed at a small circle on the screen, and I smiled letting the tears start rolling down my face and I looked over at Travis,

Nurse--"Congrats to you all on the healthy baby" I didn't answer I just looked at Travis who looked over at me with a very big smile on his face and said,

T--"We're going to have a baby little one" I nod and reached over and kissed. I pulled back and I heard dad say from beside me,

C--"Congrats guys, I am finally going to be a grandpa" he had the biggest smile on his face. I looked over at Macie and I see her wipe the tears off her face but that isn't what caught my attention and I quickly sat up and asked,

G--"Are you guys engaged?" The looked at each other before answering me.

M--"Yes, we are!" she said excited holding out her ring in excitement but then she brought her hand back to her and her smile dropped,

G--"What's wrong?"

M--"Today is about Travis walking up and finding out I have a nephew or niece coming, it's not about us"

G--"Grace this is about you, dad, me, and Travis, today is a good day and I haven't had one in a long time" he nodded and smiled at me before talking about everything that has been going on and that is how the rest of the day went. We joked, cried, laughed, slept, stuff that we hadn't done in a while.

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