First Official Day of Work 18+

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I woke up the next day an hour earlier than I needed to get up horny still, but it was intensified since I had a wet dream about Travis last night, I reached over to the nightstand and reached into the drawer and grabbed one of my favorite toys I bought myself, it was a vibrator on one side and it also inserted into your vagina, I quickly slipped my panties all the way off leaving my legs spread open I grabbed the vibrator off the bed turning it on, I brought it under my comforter and inserted it right away and started to moan out loud not caring how loud I was being since my dad wasn't going to be home until dinner, 

G--"Ohhh, yesss" I started to move it in a little bit but stopped because I am still a virgin and any little movement hurts, I am not going to lie I loved the stretch feeling and the burning sensation, soon enough I came undone thinking about Travis thrusting in me deep, fast, and hard with his hand pulling my hair, just thinking about it makes me wet again and I come once again. I quickly get up washing off my vibrator before putting it back in its rightful place before clipping my hair up and jumping in the shower, when I was done, I get our and dry off in my closet looking over all my options and I choose a black pencil skirt with a white top that had lace on the front, I grabbed a blazer putting it on, then I walked over to my shoe selection and I pick out a whit pair. I quickly did my makeup and brushed my hair and then left my room. I walked over to the kitchen and I almost fainted when I saw Travis leaning against the counter with his legs crossed over each other at the ankles with both hands shoved in his pockets, and all I could think was, how long has he been here? He looked up at me and smirked at me... well shit. He walked towards the exit of the kitchen saying, 

T--"We'll stop and get breakfast on the way" he stopped right beside me and said, 

T--"Twice?" I gulped and blushed not daring to look at him, I don't think I will be able to for a while, he then walked out of the kitchen, and I clenched my thighs together before turning around and following him out of the kitchen and out the door. We waited silently for the elevator to reach our floor and once it reached us, we walked in he stood confidently in front of me while I stood in the back leaning against the wall looking at the floor, once we were on ground floor and out of the building, I was walking towards my car, but he stopped me by saying, 

T--"Come on Grace you are riding with me" I see him walking to his 2022 glossy black Ferrari, I sigh and walked over to his car and got in before he could open the door for me. On the way to the company, he stopped by McDonald's for breakfast then started his journey towards the company, 

T--"Was it hand or toy?" I could hear the teasing in his voice, but I was mortified, 

G--"Please don't tease, this is embarrassing enough as it is" I said still looking out the window,

T--"Come on Gray it is a part of life, it is fine" not when the one you were having and orgasm for is right beside you (Gray is a nickname he has for her), 

T--"So who is the guy?" 

G--"What do you mean?" 

T--"Usually there is a guy that girls cum too, so who is the boyfriend?" we need to stop this, or I am going to have to cum all over again at just the sound of his rough deep voice. I didn't answer him until we were parked in front of the company,

G--"I don't have a boyfriend; nobody would want to date somebody like me" I quickly grabbed my bags then opened up my door climbing out of the car quickly shutting the door making my way into the building, I waited for him by the elevator door, he was quiet when he did the passcode and when we got in the elevator and put his thumb against the scanner. I watched as the doors closed and as soon as they did Travis turned around and walked towards me and stood so close our body's touched, he put on hand on the wall and the other held me by the back of the neck and he bent down to whisper in my ear, 

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