Stressed Out & Frustrated 18+

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It was a day later which was a Monday, and have I mentioned I hate Mondays, we are at work, and I am making calls to different people while doing my job, so my so-called boss doesn't fire me. Yesterday when Travis had left my room to search for something in the Livingroom, he ended up finding a mic and after that he fired the while staff except one that is an older lady, she is the sweetest and has worked for them for years.

On top of all this stress I have to meet his mother for lunch with him too obviously and I have met her before actually a couple of time, but this time is different, I am his fiancé not just his friend's daughter. I leaned back after putting the phone down, leaning back in the chair, on top of all the stress of wedding planning and seeing his mom today, I am really, really sexually frustrated today.

I get up from my seat and go to my purse and see if I still had the very long thick vibrater that he slipped in my purse with a sexy note that made me blush, he said this goes up to levels that would in fact make me cum, since I have trouble doing it myself ever since he has touched me.

I grab it and open the box up at my desk pushing my skirt up and sitting down pushing my panties to the side and clicking on the vibrate pushing it against my clit. Instantly my body tensed but relaxed at the same time. I kept rubbing it on my clit and nothing was really happening so I decide going to a five and that certainly started to work but I wanted to live dangerously and put it on an eight, you could hear the vibrating sounds, but I didn't care. I entered it in my hole, and I moan gripping onto the chair but when I heard the door click open, I quickly get my hand out from me under my desk leaving it still pulsating in my hole, I clenched my thighs to muffle the sound, I looked up and saw that it was Travis,

T--"Hey are you ready for lunch?" I smile and nod my head while saying,

G--"C-can you just... give me a s-second" he looked at me weirdly not saying anything and you can faintly hear the vibrater,

T--"Yeah I'll just wait here"

G--"I can meet you in the lobby"

T--"I am fine here" I just nodded and looked at my computer and act like I am typing something thinking of a way to get out of this without him making fun of me or being mad at me for doing this in my office after last run in with the three guys in computer.

I looked up and I see him looking at his phone typing and I spread my legs a little to get it out and turn it off but it was a bad idea because the shift cause it to go slightly deeper and press against something that made me moan out loud, I drop my head to my desk and let my hand wonder down to my skirt pushing my panties away once again and started to rub my clit moaning once again the reaching down to the vibrater pushing in out a little, thankfully I am used to the size of his fingers because I really need this right now but when I was about to break I heard Travis say,

T--"Hey mom can we do dinner instead we are really swamped at work today...thank you, love you too" he hung up and I raised my head and said with a pout,

G--"Please help me"

T--"Come here and take off your skirt and panties on your way" I did just that and when I walked over to him, I straddled him and he pulled the vibrater out and instantly stuck a finger in me,

T--"What do you want my needy girl"

G--"Fuck me with your fingers" he started to pump in and out faster and faster with each pump,

T--"Hover me" I instantly raised thinking I hurt him but that quickly changed when he licked his finger and reached around me and he put pressure on my butthole, I moan at the pressure but stop him,

G--"I-I really want to try but we have to m-meet your mom and I don't want to embarrass m-myself limping a-around" he removed his finger and started solely on my entrance that I am used to right now and next thing I know I felt like I couldn't hold myself up anymore, I felt my legs shake and not from cumming, I put my arms on either side of his head trying to see if that helps but it doesn't,

G--"T-Travis, I can't hold myself up anymore" he looked up from where he was looking at his finger interning in and out of me,

T--"Baby girl why didn't you tell me, get up really quick" I stand up with my tired and shaky legs while he also gets up from his seat and tells me to sit down which I do as he says and

T--"Can you move your hips out as much as it feels comfortable to you little one" which I do and he the leans down and he inserts his tongue in my hole while rubbing my clit with his thumb and before I know it, I am a moaning mess once again and cumming shortly after. I was catching my breath when there was a something wet touching my now sensitive skin, I see him wiping me off with a wipe and when he was done he got up and grabbed my panties off and skirt off the floor coming back to me and slipping my panties off first then my skirt when he got them up to my thighs I stood up and when I did his face was level to my pussy, he reached around me grabbing ahold of my butt tugging me closer laying kisses on my lower stomach before pulling away tugging my panties and skirt up before standing and walking towards the door,

G--"Where are you going?"

T--"To take care of a problem"

G--"Wait Travis, I can help you"

T--"It's fine baby girl you don't have to" he gave me a tight-lipped smile, I looked at him with a confused and sad look,

G--"Do you not want me to help you?" what if he is seeing somebody else, I know we aren't exclusive even though we are getting married this weekend I sigh and turned around about to walk to my desk and finish up the work that I didn't finish earlier, but my hand was caught by Travis,

T--"Look I am sorry if you would like to help me you can, I just didn't feel like you had too" I nodded still a little unsure, but I don't say anything and he sat down on the little couch I have in my office quickly pulling himself out of his pants and stroking himself looking up grunting,

T--"Would you like to watch or are you going to help" I crawl on the couch beside him reaching out and grabbing him and I must have been too far away because he reached around my waist pulling me towards him were I am close to being in his lap. I let go of him and raised my hand up to my mouth and spit in my hand then move my hand over to his mouth and said,

G--"Spit please" for some reason both of our spits combined bringing him pleasure is making me turned on, he spit in my hand, and I reached down grabbing his length in my hand with some pressure. He let his head fall back against the couch grunting. I continued my pumping going faster each time I went up and down. When his grunts got louder, I reached my hand down and cupped his balls in my hand playing with them as also and this must have pushed him over the edge, he grunted one last time and his cum went all over my hand, I picked up the wipe wiping my hand while he is catching his breath, I looked up and my lips were clashing with his. He pulled back saying,

T--"Let's go get you cleaned up in my office bathroom and then we will head on out for dinner with my mom" he stood up putting himself back in his pants as I just sit there admiring his piercings,

T--"What's wrong, I feel your eyes on me"

G--"Nothing" I stood up and he grabbed my hand and walked me out of my office and into his. I walk into the bathroom taking another wipe, wiping my bottom lips and when I was done with that, I quickly washing my hands, drying them, then walking back out. He handed me my perfume, phone, and purse I smile and thank him while putting some of my perfume on then putting my phone and perfume in my purse then looked up,


G--"Are you cleaning up?"

T--"There is no way I am wiping off what we just did, not so soon at least" we then walked out of the door and to the elevator. When I walked in behind him, I stood in front of him with my back against his chest. I heard him whisper and felt his breath against my neck,

T--"Is that a new kink by the way?" I acted like I had no idea what he was talking about when I reply

G--"What do you mean?" He pressed small kisses on my neck up to my ear while saying in between kisses,

T--"Mixing. Our. Spits. Together?" I didn't say anything because I think he is right, J
I got so wet doing that, he stopped his attack with kissing me one more time on my ear before whispering,

T--"Because if that is true, we need to do it more often, it was very sexy baby girl" I smiled and I heard the elevator dinged and he pulled fully back from his attack, and we started to walk us through the lobby and then we get to his car and take off to the restaurant.

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