Flying Home

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I woke up the next day with everybody in my room and I am still laying on Travis, and I froze what are we going to do in this position. I closed my eyes again and snuggled in a little bit and rolled off him before anybody noticed that I was up, 

C--"Hey honey how do you feel this morning" I looked at my dad and answered him, 

G--"I umm don't really know right now" it was the honest answer, last night I had a couple nightmares, but I got calmed down as soon as Travis helped me through them and went back to sleep. I looked up and smiled at everyone then said, 

G--"Can we all eat breakfast together, I was explained to that we are going to be flying back home, but I feel like I need to eat something before that journey" everyone nodded and walked out, all but Travis, 

G--"How did we get out of that one?" 

T--"I told them you had nightmares which wasn't a lie and that I didn't feel comfortable leaving you after having to come in here twice" I nodded my head and got out of bed and feel the cool air on my legs, I don't even care that I don't have shorts on, it's not like he hasn't seen me already. I walk into the bathroom to do my usual routine and then walked to my closet and grabbed a pair of leggings, I walked back into the bathroom looking at my face for the first time and I sigh, my busted lip looks bruised around it, and I did indeed have a black eye. I walk out to see him still in my room waiting on me but this time he is leaning against the wall beside my door wearing different clothes, 

G--"Sorry I took so long"

T--"You need to stop apologizing to me, you are not and have not done anything wrong, and take however long you need to, now let's go get some food in you angel" he smirked at me knowingly when he saw my blush. I walked past him but was stopped when he grabbed my face gently and brought his lips to my lips kissing right beside it so it wouldn't hurt it, and then kissed by my temple so he wouldn't hurt my eye, I slowly pull away and smile. I then walk out of the bedroom, I wish he wouldn't do that, it gives me hope that we will be together one day, but I know how he is, he is a lady's man and never truly stays with one girl for long. I sigh and put my head down and look at the floor while walking down towards the stairs, 

T--"Are you okay?" I look up and say, 

G--"Yeah" I look back down and see the stairs and I was about to walk down them when I was pulled to a stop, and I looked up and saw Travis is the one that stopped me,

T--"Are you sure? You can be honest with me" I leaned against the wall debating if I should tell him or not, 

G--"When you do stuff like kiss my head and by my lip but careful not to hurt me, it makes me think that you actually like me more than just a girl that you have known for years" he looked at me like he was trying to figure something out, and when he didn't say anything I nod my head and walk down the stair, I walk into the dining room and sat down filling my plate with food and start eating which I drifted in and out of the conversation going on around me, thinking about my situation that happened only yesterday. I remember what it felt like for him to punch and slap me, I remember how he taunted me from downstairs, I remember looking at the van in fright thinking about all the different ways these men that I had never saw before would hurt me. I saw a hand come towards my face and I flinched closing my eyes, when nothing came, I opened up my eyes looking around and saw my dad's hand retreating slowly, I cleared my throat before looking at everybody else they all had the same look on their faces and leaned back resting my head on the chair that I was sitting on realizing that he was just wiping the tear that slipped out when thinking about the events form yesterday. 

T--"I know you don't want to talk about it, but we need to know all of what happened step by step" I nod my head and think back to where it started. 

G--"Can we get on the plane before I talk about it?" they all nodded and dad said, 

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